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They were not nice. 'Oh god, what the hell?' I spat the brownie in the bin.

'I don't know where we went wrong' Jess says pulling a sour face that probably remsembled mine.

'You put two teaspoons of bicarb soda right?' Ronnie asks us. Our eyes widen and we look at one another.

'We thought it was tablespoon' Jess groans. 'Shit'

'It's ok, we can make some more'

'We're out of cocoa' Jess pouts.

'Can't we just go grab some?'

'I'm heading home to get ready, I can stop by and grab some' Riley says appearing from the living room area.

'That would be awesome' Jess smiles 'Wait, what if you get the wrong one?'

'Does it matter?'

'Yes' Jess and I both said.

'Then write it down' Riley frowns.

'I could -Um, I could go with and get the right one if you don't mind'

'Great idea' Jess says in excitement. Riley and I both give her questionable looks while Ronnie is busy reading the cook book.

'Uh, sure' Riley frowns. I frown also at Jess. I grab a coat and then follow Riley out to his car, making sure to have my phone with me.

'We'll stop by my place first, I'll have a quick shower and then we'll stop at the store on the way back' Riley says as we pull out of the drive way.

'Ok' I nod.

'What's up with Jess? She got pretty excited when you suggested to come with me'

I shrug 'Who knows, maybe she wanted alone time with Ronnie'

'Maybe' I could hear in his voice, he didn't believe that but what other reason would she have? I'd hate to think she was getting sick of me but then if she was she wouldn't have suggested a movie night.

'I'm sure it has nothing to do with you' Riley tells me, obviously seeing the frown on my face. 'Well maybe but I'm sure it's nothing bad, probably just wanted you to get out of the house a bit, you don't really go anywhere unless it's work'

'You're right' I nod. He's right, I don't go out much and I don't have a license or a car so it's not like I could just go whenever I wanted.

'Yeah' He says a little distantly. Like he was thinking about something. I didn't pry and he didn't comment so the rest of the drive was silent until we got to his apartment building.

I got out and followed him in and up to his apartment. 'Just hang out here or whatever, eat if your hungry' Riley tells me as I shut the door behind me, locking it for precaution. He turns a frown on me.

'You're not going to be able to help me in the shower if someone just walks in' I shrug.

'You're safe here Sonny, I promise that but do what you need to do' I nod and wonder round the apartment while he heads up the hall, I assume to shower.

His place was pretty neat, not like I ever expected. From what I had gathered from books and movies, men weren't the cleanest of folk but who was I to really judge, I cleaned every house I lived in.

I wonder over to the glass casing where pictures sat inside. I wasn't sure what brought me here but I look over them, most of them were the same girl. Some with him, some with a group and some of her just on her own. I even seen a picture of Jess and Ronnie with her.

She had sandy blonde hair, curly locks, a nice tan complexion, her eyes were bright, blue like the sky and god, she was beautiful. Physically flawless. I can see how Riley fell in love with her. Her smile was a killer though, I'm sure she could get away with anything with that smile.

I must have been staring for a while because I could feel Riley there. 'She's beautiful' I say not looking away.

'She truely was' He whispers. Nothign more was said and as i turn around, I see the pain and the torment in his eyes even though he was smiling. It didn't reach his eyes.

'Ready?' I ask. He was wearing a black plain shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He cleaned up nice, even in casual clothes. He nods and again, I follow him out. Once locked up we head back to the car and drive in silence to the grocery store.

Riley comes in with me and once we get the cocoa, we're out of there and heading back to Ronnie's in silence.

'Why haven't you asked about her? The one in the photo?' Riley finally asks.

'Why haven't you asked about my family?' I return.

'Touche' he rolls his lips into his mouth. 'Don't get me wrong, I'm curious and I want to know but it'd be hypocritical of me'

'Like wise' I nod 'I'm sure neither of us trust one another, not enough to share our torment anyway' He nods in agreement and the conversation is over.

We make it back to Jess' and I walk through the door 'Have no fear, Cocoa is here' I raise the cocoa in the air. In return, I get stares. Stares as if a complete stranger came into their home to take their first born child.

But then on closer inspection, I see they're in an arguement. 'Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to interupt' I put the cocoa on the bench and back away slowly.

Of course, I went to my room, I didn't know if they were actually fighting or just having a disagreement, either way, I didn't want to invade on their privacy.

It wasn't long before the front door shut and then foot steps came up the stairs. I decide to meet Jess out there so I got up off my bed and headed out my door.

'Hey' Jess smiles.

'Hey' I smile back 'I didn't mean to interupt'

'It's fine' She laughs 'That entrance though was pretty cool'

'I thought so too' I grin.

'Come on, lets go bake some brownies'

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