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We had spent the night in the pack house, Lisa and Alec were both amazing hosts and very understanding of my rudeness. In my defense, I didn't know I was being rude or disrespectful but Riley and Ronnie had told them about my rough upbringing and they understood.

I hadn't realised you needed to make eye contact with the Alpha and Luna when speaking to them, especially if you weren't part of the pack and by rights, I wasn't yet. Not until Riley had at least marked me.

Rae had shown us to our room. She was a nice quiet girl, reminded me of myself actually. I had learnt that she was Lisa's little sister, only a year older than myself and she was partially wolf.

Riley had told me last night that she has her wolf but can only shift on a full moon and that she should have a mate somewhere. Alpha blood lines are more likely to have more Wolf cubs than any other Werewolf blood line since her mother was a Werewolf born to a human and Werewolf and since that Werewolf was an Alpha, Lisa was born full Werewolf and Rae born partial Werewolf.

It was all confusing last night when he had said all this but I get it now. He also thought it was cute that I worried about her. I didn't know her from a bar of soap but since coming here and meeting Riley, I seem to start caring about people I don't know.

It was a scary feeling, I've honestly have never cared about the low life's I've lived with before but Ronnie had never shown any disrespect, he always made time to say hello when we seen one another.

I think being with them has made me realise that people in general aren't cruel. Just my father's family. I don't know why and I don't really care much but I know that not everyone is out to get me and I can literally sleep better knowing I won't be getting hurt again.

'Where are you?' I blink and look at Riley. He's watching me with curious eyes as I brush my hair but I had unconsciously stopped brushing.

'Just thinking' I smile and continue to brush the rest of my birds nest people liked to call hair.

'About?' he prompted.

'Nothing serious' I assure him with a smile 'Just that now I've realised that not all people are bad and want to hurt me'

'No' he shakes his head 'They're not, you've just had bad luck which is now changing for the better' He takes the brush from my hand gently and proceeds to run it through my tangles gently.

'I sure hope so' I reply. 'I always thought something was wrong with me but then I came to Ronnie's and I realise that it's not me, it was them with the issues'

'I can assure you, there is nothing at all wrong with you' Riley chuckles. 'Except maybe you're too nice given the circumstance you've been in. I would expect you to be harder and tougher but you're not, you're willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt until they turn around and hurt you'

'We should go get breakfast' I suggest. Riley smiles and then takes my hand as we head out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. People were everywhere, grabbing plates and dodging others to grab food.

I felt so small in a room full of Werewolves that were naturally tall. I press myself into Riley and try to hide from prying eyes. A few of them were looking at me and I was a little unnerved. I was sure Riley could tell because he steps in front of me, blocking their view from me.

'This is your new mate?' Riley growls lowly in his throat and I turn a glare on the red head girl. She was of course physically flawless, wearing almost nothing, showing off her nice toned tanned stomach and her breast almost spilling from her shirt.

'Have a problem with my cousin?' Ronnie snaps from behind us. Everything in his voice told me he hated this woman standing before us.

'Trinady' Lisa snaps 'She is apart of this Pack now whether you like it or not so show some damn respect' I smile greatfully at the Luna while Trinady shoots a glare my way.

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