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Two full days had passed and I refused to leave the room. My room. Riley had internal bleeding and broken ribs but otherwise would be fine. His internal bleeding had healed and his ribs were almost there but still, I refused to leave the bedside.

'Come on, you need to atleast shower, we don't want him waking up and you being the first thing he smells' Jess tries to get me out of the room but I refuse.

I've barely even spoken. No one has explained the whole Wolf thing and I haven't asked. It didn't matter right now. I just needed Riley to be alright.

After a few moments silent Jess sighs. She's about to leave but finally, I speak to her 'I trust him Jess' I can feel the tears, I can see them blurring my vision 'I tust him to keep me safe but how can he when he won't wake up'

'Ronnie and I will protect you Sonny and Riley will wake up soon but his wolf is keeping him asleep so that he can heal properly' Jess tells me.

'I know you will but I need him to keep me safe. He feels like home and safety and now he's laying here and I don't know what to do' I sob. My eyes never leaving Riley's.

'Everything will work out fine Sonny, you just need to have a bit of faith and trust that he will wake up again to keep protecting you but he won't want to go near you if you don't shower. I promise, I will stay here with him and I will get you as soon as he wakes up' Jess tells me.

She's right, I do need a shower but I'm scared if I leave him, something will happen. Reluctantly, I stand from the seat and go for my closet.

I had the quickest shower of my life and when I came back, he was still laying in the same position I had left him, his eyes still closed. 'Please believe he will be alright' Jess whispers to me.

'How do you know that?' I ask her. She smiles a little.

'Because he has you' she nods 'Despite everything that happened the other day, you haven't asked questions and you're still here sitting by his side. You haven't ran, you haven't freaked out'

'Because I need him to be ok, I don't care about what I seen the other day' I know that when he wakes up and he proves to be perfectly fine, I will freak out and I will ask questions but for now, I needed to concentrate on him being alright.

I knew deep down he was fine and he was going to wake up but my paranoia and my fear of this curse has me doubting everyone's assuring words.

Jess leaves us and when the sun sinks bellow the clouds, embracing my room in darkness, I climb in beside him, still watching.

I could feel someone pushing the hair from my face. I didn't flinch from the touch, I welcomed it and it even smiled a little. I tilt my head a little and my eyes slowly open.

Everything feels like it's stopped, including my heart beat. His green orbs boaring into mine like I never thought they ever would again. My hand slips into Riley's and he gives me an assuring squeeze, breaking me from my tranz of shock.

'You're ok' I whisper, pulling my lip between my teeth to stop tears and a sob.

'I'm ok' He confirms with a nod. I didn't think, I threw myself at him, my hand coming free of his and wrapping around his neck. He chuckles but holds me to him anyway. I think we both needed this. Knowing that we were both alright because he passed out before he even shifted back to human form, for all he knows, I could have been a Wolf's lunch.

His face burries int he crook of my neck, his hands around my back, pulling me as close as possible. 'You're alright' he whispers to my shoulder.

'I'm alright' I whisper back with a nod. 'I was so scared. So scared you were going to die. Scared that I'd finally trusted someone and they were going to leave me'

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