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I spent most of the day picking up the phone, googling car shit and cleaning up. 'I told you, we need more people working here, we'd get more money with people being able to work on other cars' Riley says.

'I know' Ronnie sighs. 'I don't have time to do interviews'

'What about Sunny?' Riley says. I frown at the name he gave me.

'Sonny' Ronnie corrects him. 'I guess she could do it' he says.

'Sunny' Riley calls to me. I turn a glare on him and he just smirks. 'We need you to do some interviews for other people to work here'

'Ok, when?' I ask.

'Well, we need to actually put out there that we're hiring' Ronnie says.

'Do you have a website? I can put it up there' I say.

'Yeah , we do' my cousin says. He comes and shows me how to get into it. 'Now, they need to know what they're doing, they need a resume with references and the right attitude'

'I can work with that' I grin. I get to work and once I've finished it, I leave the number for them to call.

My phone starts ringing and I look to see Jess. Green means go, red means stop. I slide the green one across and put it to my ear 'Hello' I greet.

'Hey, you guys hungry?' She asks.

'Starving actually' I grin.

'Is that Jess?' Ronnie asks. I nod 'I want a burger, like a big burger with the lot'

'Ronnie says he wants a big burger with the lot' I laugh 'I wouldn't mind a drink either'

'I would love what he's having' Riley points to Ronnie.

'Riley wants what Ronnie's having and I'll have a grilled cheese, chicken, mayo sandwich'

'Ok' Jess laughs 'I'll be there soon'

'Ok, bye' We hang up and I continue with what I was doing. Once I have printed flyers out, I sit them on the desk and Jess is arriving.

'Food' Riley runs to Jess and I can't help but laugh. She hads out the food and drinks to everyone.

'How's working so far?' Jess asks me.

'It's fun, Riley showed me a few things about a car, I cleaned up some, advertised that we're hiring on their website and printed out flyers' I smile before taking a bite.

'You guys are going to hire more people?' Jess asks. We all nod 'Good, you need to' she smiles. 'I can take the fyers if you want and put them around and stuff'

'I love you' Ronnie smiles giving her a kiss with his mouth full of food.

'Ew' I give a disgusted face and turn away.

'So, you know how my birthday is coming up and all?' Riley asks innocently. I was smart enough to figure out he was asking a question.

'No' Ronnie and Jess say at the same time 'You're not drinking' Ronnie concludes.

'Come on, can't we at least have a party or something, poor Sunny here hasn't drank before, you can't deny her' He slings an arm around my shoulder and I jump away.

'Don't touch me' I say, eyes wide in fear.

'Ok' he holds his hands up in surrender. We all continue to eat and I notice Riley staring at me but it's not my face. I see his eyes moving but I'm not sure what he's looking at.

'Your arms are different' he tells me. I look at him now. 'One looks misaligned' he frowns.

I shrug but now the others are looking. 'What the fuck?' Ronnie asks. 'Hold your arms out'

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