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Wow. I blink, my hands still covering our beating hearts. Mine was racing and his was catching up, eventually coming in syc again with mine. I didn't even know what to say. 'But..' I frown. What could I say.

Where we ready for this? Are we ready to just be together? I didn't know what love was, how was I supposed to know what to do. 'Calm down' Riley gently tugs me closer to him.

'It took me a while to realise but when I did, I didn't want to fight it anymore but I know you're not ready. You're only just learning to trust me and you have no idea how happy that makes me but I'm not pushing anything Sonny, we do this at your pace and if you still want to be friends then I'll be your friend. Hell, I'll be your best friend for as long as you need me to be'

'But..' I still wasn't sure what to say 'Kayla?'

'She will always be my true mate and I will always love her and I know you understand that but you're my second chance at loving again. Second chance at happiness and the others are right, I've mourned Kayla enough'

'I don't want to replace her' I whisper. I was going to cry. I didn't know what to say.

'You won't replace her Sonny' He cups my cheek 'Your trust was the first step to the bonding between us and your worry, you being at the bedside and in the bed while I healed was the second part. I know this is alot and I didn't want to tell you right now, I didn't know how you would react to it'

'I do trust you and when I'm with you, I fell safe and at home and I don't want to lose that' I tell him 'I'm not ready for a relationship, I don't even know the first thing about a relationship but I know in time I will and I don't want to lose you so I accept what we are and I know you'll keep at my pace' I smile.

Riley's lips tip up in a broad smile and he pulls me into him. I curl against his side and he kisses my head. I was content with just laying here, or rather sitting and not speaking. It gave me time to go everything over in my head.

I wasn't freaking out like I thought I would. I understood it all and while it was a little scary.. a lot scary actually, I know I can deal with it all.

I was alone upon waking up and I had woken on my own accord, no nightmares. The place Riley had been was still warm so he hadn't been gone long. A growling stomach made me crawl out of bed.

I pad down the stairs and find everyone at the table, talking and joking around. I was glad they didn't stop talking when I entered though. 'Bacon in the microwave' Jess tells me.

I smile and go for the microwave. I pull the plate out and sit at the table. 'I'm thinking that we need to get back to work. Jess has called enough clients to reschedual, don't think we can afford if they cancel' Ronnie says.

'Of course' I nod before shoving some bacon in my mouth. The others give me horrified looks as I shove another piece in my mouth.

'Well you seem.. better' Jess comments.

I nod and swallow 'I'm going to shower and then I'll be ready' I take the plate to the bench but Riley is there to snatch it away before I head up to the shower.

Work was like normal, I called a few people, answered the phones, attended to emails and the website as well as cleaned up and before I know it, Jess is arriving with Lunch, she had even gotten Roger some things.

Apparently he was also a Werwolf and was more friendly and talkative these days. Which reminded me of the interview with his son that I have later. 'This weekend, I think we should all do something' Jess speaks.

'Like what?' I ask and take a bite of the sandwich. Since knowing about this whole Wolf thing and accepting Riley and I for what we are, I've felt like a weight has been lifted.

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