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I death rolled, I kicked, but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, he's gone and a low growling is coming from above me. I look up and see Riley, or more so his wolf Rian. How is this possible? His voice fills my head.

No idea, we don't have time to ponder on it. Sunny replied.

You have to go back. He tries to tell me but I shake my wolf head.

I'm already here. I tell him. After a few seconds debate he nods his head.

Stay close to me. I agree with him and we get back out there, helping the pack. Rian and I partner up and kill together. I knew that later when the adrenaline wore off, I'd feel the guilt of all these bodies but the way I see it, it was them or me and I wasn't going to let them kill me, not when I finally got my life back.

I vampire caught my eye, he was advancing on Ronnie and I didn't think, I ran as fast I could. I pounce in the air and head butt his ribs, sending him flying. Ronnie turns and stares at me a moment before he and I demolish the vampire.

It wasn't long before the Vampire's retreated. What was left of them. Everyone crowded up in a group, all their focus was on me. I look down at myself and all I see is white fur. Was I white? They look pretty right?

How the hell is this possible? It was Alec's voice now. I look up at him and he's looking right at me.

We don't know Alpha. I bow my head. I took over and started running and then I felt the shift and I couldn't stop it.

I could hear so many voices in my head. Too many and I was freaking out. Everyone shut up .Rian shouts. We don't know how or why this is happening but we will figure it out, she has just gotten used to one voice in her head, she doesn't need a million right now.

Well said Rian. Alec says. Were all wolves names similar to their actual name? Where's Jess? My eyes find Ronnie and I know he was worried.

Rae got her to safety, I ran and they followed me, all but one and I trust Rae to keep her safe. I reply.

What exactly happened? I look back to Alec.

Three of them got into the house, we don't know how, we thought it was impossible but they did it. I was a distraction and two took the bait, I don't know what happened to the other one. I explain.

There was only one that came with you. I could hear the confusion in Rian's voice.

There was a second one, I killed him.

We need to get back. Alec leads the group to the tree line before we all took off in a run. Rian kept at my side the entire time. Once we got to the tree line across from the mansion, everyone started shifting back to human form. I close my eyes at all the naked bodies.

'Can you shift back?' Riley asks me. I open my eyes and look at him. I shake my wolf head.

'Bring her into the house and up to your room, teach her, she wouldn't have clothes out here' Alec tells Riley before he joins the others in heading inside.

Riley makes sure the coast is clear before I follow him into the house and up to our room. 'Can you shift or did you just not want to in front of the others?' Riley asks me after locking the door.

I just stare at him, how the hell was I meant to answer that? Of course I didn't want to be naked in front of everyone but I also didn't know how to shift back.

After a few seconds Riley nodded. Maybe Sunny had told Rian what I was thinking.

'It's hard to explain but just close your eyes and imagine yourself in human form, it'll probably hurt because it was your first shift but I will totally take that pain away' he tells me, ending it with a smirk.

I blink at him. He grins and I roll my large wolf eyes before I close them. I imagine myself as if I were looking in a mirror and slowly, the pain starts. I bite my lip to stop from screaming as I feel my bones rearranging to fit in a human body.

I collapse but Riley catches me and we both crumble to the floor. 'It gets easier and less painful' he tells me.

I take deep breaths through the pain and eventually, the pain fades away and I sat in Riley's lap totally and completely naked. 'Ouch' I say.

Riley shifts a little and then I'm feeling my bare shoulder against his bare chest. 'As much as I like the view, it's getting a little cold' He slips his shirt over my head and I slip my arms in the holes.

'Jess' I say. I needed to know if she was alright.

'Come on, we'll go see her' Riley helps me stand and goes to the suit case, grabbing me some underwear and a pair of track pants. I slip them on and then we're walking out the bedroom door. I felt a little weird on my legs but I knew I would adjust. Riley helps me down the stairs and I find Jess in Ronnie's arms.

'You're safe' I smile.

She smiles back 'You shifted'

I look around, wanting to thank Rae but I couldn't see her 'Where's Rae?' I ask. She had to be alright.

'She's in with the doctor. She's alright, just a few scratches' Jess tells me.

'I'll come back and see you in a minute' I say. I needed to see Rae. Riley follows me up to the doctor room and I knock gently. Hearing approval to enter, I open the door.

Rae smiles at me and I smile back. Her arm was bandaged and she had butterfly stitches on her head. 'Thank you' I tell her.

'It's fine, I'm just glad you're alright'

'Yeah, I'm fine' I smile. 'I'm sorry I made you keep Jess safe'

'Don't be' she said 'I would have only got myself killed' she laughs. I wonder over and hug her. The fourth person I've been able to do this to since I was six years old.

'I'm glad you're both alright'

'You should get some sleep, I heard about you shifting and stuff' Rae says.

'Yeah, I feel exhausted' I laugh. 'I'll see you when the suns up'
'Bye' she waves.

'You get into bed, I'll tell Jess you'll catch up tomorrow and then I'll be there' Riley tells me. I nod and he presses his lips to mine gently.

I head into the room and take the track pants off and climb into bed. I was almost asleep when Riley climbed into bed behind me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his warm naked chest.

'Just a question before you fall asleep' he says 'How did you know where to find us?'

'I didn't' I reply honestly. I turn in his arms. 'I just ran, I didn't know where we were going and we ended up there' I shrug.

'Ok baby, we'll talk tomorrow, get some rest' he kisses my forehead.

'You'll be here when I wake up?' I ask.

He laughs 'Yes and if I'm not then I'll be in the bathroom' I smile and press my lips to his. He deepens it but before it can get too heated, we both pull back and I cuddle into his chest.

'Good night Sonny'

'Good night Riley'

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