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Wow. It's the only thing I could think since we got here. It's just like I imagined it would be. Lights, rides, people everywhere, smiling and laughing, having fun. 'This is amazing' I couldn't wipe the smile from my face.

'It is isn't it' I turn to Riley and his smile is just as wide but the look in his eye tells me he wasn't talking about the carnival. I flush under his gaze but the smile stays in it's place.

'Come on' I take his hand and drag him around the place. 'I want to go on that'

'The ferris wheel?' Riley laughs. 'It's not as romantic as you think it is' he tells me.

'I want to go on them all' I laugh. We thought it would be better to go at night so I could ge tthe full affect of how beautiful it looked.

The lights were amazing, making it feel so much better. Waiting in line at the Ferris wheel, Riley's hand stays in mine. Ronnie and Jess were behind us, having their own conversation when all of a sudden Ronnie stopped talking and Riley stiffened, squeezing my hand.

'Riley' I turn my body to him. He had a death grip on my hand. I place my free hand on his cheek 'Riley, you're hurting me' I wasn't scared, I knew something was here, something he and Ronnie didn't like and I was sure he hadn't even realised he was squeezing so hard.

His grip loosens and his eyes look down at mine 'I'm sorry' he pulls me closer to him, not an inch of space between us but it wasn't an intimate gesture, it was a protective one.

'What is it?' I ask him. I look over his shoulder and Ronnie had Jess in a similar embrace, a look of worry on her face.

'Vampires' Riley whispers. Now, I started to freak out. 'Nothing will happen to you, not as long as I can help it' he rests his forehead on mine.

'I know' I nod 'Doesn't make me feel any better though. I don't know the details of their nature but I understand they're not nice and I'm more worried about the innocent people here who could be the next meal for them'

Riley laughs at this and places a kiss on my forehead 'Only you would be worried about the safety of others' he shakes his head in amusement 'People you don't even know, what if some of these people deserve to be a meal?'

'No one deserves to die Riley' I say softly. The conversation stops as we get on the ride.

'Your family did' Riley says as we begin to move.

'No they didn't' I shake my head 'They should have had to live with what they did to me, have that guilt for their life but they got the easy way out'

'Wow' he smiles 'You're too good of a person Sonny' Riley wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. 'You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now' he chuckles.

This time, I was brave enough 'Then do it' I tell him, looking up at him through my lashes. Again, I was insecure. I was nervous as hell, I'd never had a kiss before but I knew Riley and I trusted him.

He looks down at me in complete and utter shock. His eyes dart from mine to my lips and he flicks his tongue out, wetting his now dry ones. He angles himself and cups my cheek, lifting my head so he could see me properly.

His eyes search mine, no doubt looking for a freak out or a back down but I don't want to back down. I want him to kiss me.

Slowly, his head lowers and ever so softly, his lips brush against mine and I gasp. His lips were so soft and shot tingles right through me like a lightning bolt. My eyes close on their own accord and Riley presses his soft lips to mine.

I had read about your first kiss with someone you truely want to be with and someone you love and this is like that. There's no fire works but there's the sparks and the feel of electricity surging through your body making your whole body tingle.

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