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Of course, I had woken up screaming again but at least it was like six so I decided to stay up. Ronnie and Jess went back to bed and I went down stairs. I made coffee and sat on the love seat watching cartoons since nothing else good was on this early.

It got boring though and eventually, I fell asleep, coffee in hand. 'Hey' someone nudged me.

I groan and try to roll over but my space is limited. 'Sonny, it's wake up time' I recognise Riley's voice.

I blink and open my eyes fully. 'What time is it?' I ask.

'It's near nine, how long have you been down here?' He asks with a frown.

'I woke up at six and came down, I didn't meant to fall back asleep' I sit up and then remembered, I had a coffee in my hand.

'I woke up at quarter to seven, seen you almost tipping your coffee over so I took it off you' he chuckles.

'Thanks' It was still an odd feeling of that word coming off my tongue but I was getting used to it.

'Well, you need to get up and ready, we're leaving in like half an hour' Riley tells me.

'What?' I frown 'I thought you and Ronnie were doing something'

'No' he laughs 'We planned a day out for you girls since you've been stuck home most of the time, we wanted you girls to have fun' I wasn't sure of what I was feeling right now but I nodded and got the hell out of there before I did something stupid like cry.

It was a small gesture but to me, it was huge. Someone actually cared and wanted me to have fun. They thought of me, and Jess of course but no one has ever thought of me like that before.

I showered and I got ready, not sure what to wear, I just threw on my new grey jeans, a white tank top and a grey minion shirt. I left my hair out to curl it's natural waves down my back and then pull on my new boots. No heels thank god but they looked cute.

I met everyone down stairs and slipped my phone into my back pocket. 'Everyone ready?' Ronnie asks.

'Of course' Jess grins from ear to ear. They obviously made up. 'We just have one stop to make first so you take Sonny with you Riley'

I raise an eye brow, one that matched Riley's but he shakes his head and with a sigh, he walks out the door. With a shrug, I follow him out to the car.

He was pissed and it made me a little nervous. I was sure he wasn't going to hurt me, Jess and Ronnie wouldn't allow that but it didn't mean I wasn't scared about his temper. 'Where are we going?' I ask softly but I mentally scowl myself for the fear in my voice.

Riley glances at me and then growls softly 'I'm not mad at you, believe me and you're safe, I won't hurt you' he tells me.

'I know' I nod. I did know he wouldn't hurt me but that didn't mean I felt safe.

'Then why are you shaking like a leaf?' I notice then that I was indeed shaking.

'I'm sorry' I whisper 'I know you won't hurt me but you were so angry, I have seen your temper Riley and yes, I am a little flower welting away when violence and temper is in the air' I snap. I had never snapped before but he just didn't understand.

He didn't understand my fear of anger, he doesn't understand that when anger is involved, I get hurt. 'I don't think you're welting' Riley whispers to me. 'I get that you've been in horrible places but you don't need to be scared anymore. No one is going to take their anger out on you, not when Ronnie or I are around'

'I know that' I tell him 'I know no one is going to hurt me, I know I'm safe with you guys but that doesn't stop the fear. I'm sorry I am this way, I can't help it and I know in time, I will be able to not be like this but right now, I am'

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