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I was sweating. I felt disgusting. I roll onto my back and groan. When I look at the time, I see it's eleven in the morning. I'd have to go to the doctor and get me some of those pills. I kick the covers off me and go grab myself some clothes for a shower.

I grab myself a bra, underwear, jeans, the long sleeve and my tweety bird shirt before I duck across the hall to the bathroom.

Once I'm showered and feeling less disgusting, I dress and after a quick towel dry of my hair, I throw my clothes into the machine. Since it was now full, I put some frabic softner in and start it.

When I get down stairs, I'm greeted with coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs. 'I heard you get up so I made you something, I wasn't sure if you liked coffee or not but I made you some' Jess smiles.

'Thank you' I haven't said that word so much in my life. I sit down at the table. I'd never had coffee before but I know Uncle Bob liked it black, this one was a brown colour. She must have added milk.

'It's one coffee with two sugars and some cream' Jess laughs at me just staring at the liquid in the mug. I nod and after gently blowing, I take a sip.

It tasted bitter but sweet at the same time. 'It's good' I tell her.

'Coffee is just about everyone's life saviour' Jess giggles. 'I called the school and we have a meeting at 2'

'Ok' I nod. 'Where's Ronnie and Riley?' I ask noticing their absense.

'Work' she says 'Ronnie owns a car garage down the street and he's giving Riley a few days work, help him get his head clear'

'He owns it?' I ask. Maybe he could hire me. I didn't know much about cars but I could clean up and do other things. I need money so I can get out of here.

'Yep' She nods.

'Think he'd give me a job? I've never had a job before which I'm sure you've figured out and I want to be able to pay my own way, make myself money' I tell her.

'Well, I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with it' Jess smiled. I could finally get my life sorted. I wasn't locked away in a room, not being able to come out unless I needed the bathroom or had to clean up or cook or do something else.

I'm not sure what I was feeling. I was only a year or two behind the average in everything but my reading and writing but I knew I wouldn't be much good with that. I think I was proud.

'How do you feel about your evaluation?' The schools principle asks me.

'Proud, I think' I say shyly. 'I haven't been in school since I was six years old. I learnt everything by myself, I think I did pretty well considering' I add in.

'You did, you've done better than some kids who have been in school their whole life, I would be proud too' she smiles. 'I'll give you the enrolment forms to take home and fill out' We end up leaving and I couldn't help but smile. I mean really smile. It's not something I've done for so long and it felt good.

'That's pretty amazing huh' Jess says when we cimb into the car.

'It is' I nod, still smiling.

'How about we go get you a phone and a new wardrobe and don't feel bad about it, you need a phone for emergencies and you need more than a week worth of clothes'

'Ok' I sigh. I was definately paying her back for all this though. Once I had a steady income, I would pay her every cent back. Whether she likes it or not.

We go to the mall and she pays five hundred dollars for the phone I really liked. A Samsung Galaxy. I told her not to worry about it when I seen the price but she ignored me. She brought me just about anything I asked for in clothes wise and I was definately throwing my old jeans out. I got new bras and underwear, even got new shoes since mine were starting to talk to everyone.

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