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I've Fallen for You

"Happy birthday P'nay!!!"

"Thank you so much guys!" P'nay was so happy visitors kept pouring in. Her family was there as well as her close friends, her production staff and the Yes or No casts. Mean and Toppei went together. The two directors who were part of the casting were present too. Tavee was there even Due Arisara, who played the part of Jane. Inn Budokan was there too. And who would forget about the nerd? And then there came Aom...

"Hello Pie!!!" They all greeted her. Aom was surprised to see all of them gathered together.

"Oh my God! Looks like this is a reunion of YON!" She was hugging everybody and was teary eyed. Then she greeted P'nay. "Happy birthday my awesome director! I'm giving you a tight hug! You did a great job bringing us together."

" Thanks Aom. I'm so happy seeing all of you. I miss you guys..." P'nay was emotional, there were tears of joy flowing through her cheeks, Inn Budokan gave her a hug. "Awwww P'nay, don't be a cry baby... we're all here to enjoy and reminisce. So, cheers!" " Cheers! " said all the visitors.

As the visitors were making themselves comfortable, and while Aom was busy talking to the YON casts, a familiar voice was heard greeting P'nay...

"Happy birthday P'nay! I miss you!" And then all the people were looking at P'nays' direction... They all recognized that voice. Aom was the only one who wasn't looking at that direction. She stood there frozen for a minute. Her heart was beating so fast, she feels like crying...

"Tina!!! Guys it's Tina! She's back!" Toppei and Mean were rushing towards Tina's direction and everyone followed to greet her.

"Hey teenager! You made it! Thank you!" P'nay hugged Tina so tight and then she whispered to her, "Aom's right there. I think she's so surprised to know you're here. Go there and greet her."

" Is it okay? Is she mad at me?" Asked Tina.

"Awww, just go..." and P'nay pushed her towards Aoms' direction. People were waiting what's going to happen next. Of course, most of them have already watched Tina's interview on True Insider, it was aired a few months ago.

As soon as Tina headed towards Aom, the visitors, especially the YON cast, hushed for a while. They want to see what's going to happen. But then, P'nay being the birthday celebrant, didn't want to create tension so she told the visitors to start getting their food and drinks because the party has already started. And so they all went to the buffet table.

Aom was already crying but it was obvious she's trying to control it. She hasn't turn her back yet. She held her chest... She knows Tina is there behind her, she feels her presence...

Tina was teary eyed she can't believe she's seeing Aom again for the first time in almost six years.

"Hi,'s nice to see you again..."

That was it... Aom turned her back, tears flowing through her cheeks. There she saw Tina, looking at her and was starting to cry too...

"Hi,'s been a long time..." Aom's looking at her straight in the eye.

" I miss you..." says Tina.

Those words were enough for Aom to rush to her side and gave her a tight embrace. She cried even harder. Tina was crying too. Most of the YON casts were teary eyed too. They were so happy seeing Kim and Pie once again.

"You don't need to be shy. You can hug me back, I won't push you away this time."Aom realized it the minute she was hugging Tina, and Tina wasn't hugging her back. She knows Tina was so careful not to touch her, just like before. And so after hearing what Aom said, Tina responded with a hug not so tight. Aom felt the pain because Tina was holding back her emotions. She's the reason why Tina's so careful with her actions, she got used to thinking Aom might reject her.

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