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What I Did for Love

It was 2am, and Aom was still awake. A lot of things are running on her mind. She looked at Tina, sleeping soundly, and was holding her hand. She turned to her side so she could face Tina. She lightly touched her face. She remembers how Tina was into kissing and hugging her earlier, being all cuddly and needy. She closed her eyes. Tears fell on her cheeks, and she covered her mouth. Tina might hear her, so she got up from bed and went to the balcony. There she cried so hard, and was looking at the sky. "Please give me strength..." she uttered. After an hour, Aom went back to bed. She kissed Tina on the lips, and she hugged her. She was just staring at Tina's face until she fell asleep.

Tina woke up early. Aom was still sleeping and she didn't want to wake her up. " she had a tough day yesterday. " Tina was telling herself. She went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. Just like Aom, she too, is restless. She remembered last night, both of them were quiet until to the time they got home. She feels the fear. The way Aom was looking at her last night, she already sensed something, though she doesn't want to think about it. "Good morning..." Aom said, giving Tina a morning kiss. "Good morning...why did you wake up early? asked Tina, rubbing Aom's back. "Mama just called. She wants me to go to the hospital at around ten. She has to do some errands, and Alice has work today. What time is it anyway? "asked Aom. "It's exactly seven. What would you like for breakfast? asked Tina. "It's too early. I'm not feeling hungry yet. Maybe I'd like a cup of coffee too." says Aom. "Just sit there and I'll make you a cup. " Tina said. While waiting, Aom kept on staring at Tina. She took a deep breath. "Here it is..." says Tina, putting the coffee mug on the table. "Thanks. " Aom said. She took a sip. "Can I stay at the balcony for a while? I want some air...." she asked Tina. "Of course, this is your house...." says Tina, smiling. Aom smiled too, and then she went outside. When Tina turned around, she closed her eyes. She's feeling something.

Aom sat on the floor while staying in the balcony. She sat like a kid with her arms touching her knees. Then she felt Tina's presence. She sat beside Aom. " How are you?"asked Tina. "You know I'm not okay..." says Aom. Both of them were talking but they're not looking at each other. You've been quiet since last night. May I know why?" asked Tina. " The past few days have been so stressful , and then worst, something bad happened to my dad. I was scared , and started blaming myself. I felt guilty, I was enjoying the time of my life, and yet I'm hurting the people I love. When I saw my dad last night, I made a promise to make things right..." Aom looked at Tina. She's already crying. But, Tina's still not looking at her.

"You know that I love you so much, right? " asked Aom. " Yes... and you know that I love you too." Tina was already teary eyed. "How much do you love me?" asked Aom. "I love you so much I'm willing to do anything just to make you happy." Tina said. "You know that I fought for you, right? " asked Aom. She held Tina's hand and she kissed it. " Yes...And I will always be thankful for that. " Tina said. She looked at Aom. "Are you letting me go? " Tears fell on Tina's cheeks. Aom held Tina's face. "Believe it or not, I was willing to give up everything for you. I didn't even care about my career anymore. I'm content with what I have. But the situation have become different. My family is hurting because of me. And I'm really worried about Papa. I'm so scared...I realized this is not just about fighting. This is also about sacrifice..." Aom was crying. She kissed Tina on the lips. Their foreheads against each other... " I understand...But I never thought that it would hurt me this much. " Tina said. "I'm so sorry..." Aom said. She hugged Tina so tight. Tina gave her a much tighter embrace. "I love you, Aom...I love you...I love you..." Tina was crying so hard. "I love you...and I'm so sorry for hurting you..." Aom said. Then Tina patted Aom's shoulder..." I have to pack my things so I can go." " Nobody's telling you to leave. You can stay here for as long as you want. " Aom said. Now she feels even more scared, she might not be able to see Tina again. " I have to do this otherwise, it would just defeat the purpose. It will be more difficult for both of us." Tina said. She kissed Aom on the forehead and got up. Aom remained seated, she was crying a lot.

While packing her things, Tina can't seem to stop crying. Tears kept  falling on her cheeks. She was right. Something happened and it's not to their favor. But, she's happy Aom would now be relieved from blaming herself. All the guilt feelings would finally go away. She may now go back to her family, and reunite with her dad. And what about her? She wants to go back to LA, the soonest day possible. The longer she stays in Thailand, the more it would crush her. What could be something new? Before, she was just loving Aom from afar. She just got lucky Aom fell for her. Now when she goes back, it will just be the same thing again. Maybe this is the life that was really meant for her. To live alone.

When Tina was about to go out of the room, Aom went inside and hugged her. They were both crying. "Will I ever see you again? Are you mad at me? " Aom was touching her face. " I'm so sorry. I hope someday you'll find it in your heart to forgive me for hurting you. " Tina kissed Aom on the lips. "I'll never be angry at you. And you don't have to ask for forgiveness, because I understand. Don't worry, when I go back to LA, I'll be the toughest person. No more theraphy, no more pills...I'll be better. I'll do it for you. Just promise me you won't forget about me, okay? Don't close your doors for potential love, you have so much  to offer. We're both going to be alright. Thank you for the love. I'll bring it with me . Take care of yourself , okay? " Tina stroked Aom's hair. She touched her face. Aom's crying hard. She kissed Tina. " I love you, Tina..." " I'll always love you..." Tina said, kissing Aom on the forehead. She finally let go off Aom's embrace...   She turned her back and left.

     When Aom heard the door closed, she burst out in tears. She feels so much pain as if her chest is being stabbed repeatedly.

     Tina's gone, and things will never be the same again...

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