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This time I'll be Sweeter

"So, I guess this is it...Everything is settled." KPum sounded so sad. "Aww...KPum, don't be so dramatic. " Aom said."I know...but since we're in my office right now, for the last time, let's do this the professional way. "KPum said." Okay..." says Aom, smiling. KPum went to Aom's side and told her to stand up. Aom obliged, still smiling. "Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you, for those fruitful eight years of working with you as your manager. You had an amazing journey as an actress, and I know you'll be remembered in this industry for your great contributions."KPum said. She's teary eyed. "Thank you, KPum. I would always cherish my memories here. You've taught me a lot of things. You've taught me how to become a fighter, when people were trying to destroy me. You taught me how to handle things in a matured way. You were one of the people who believed in my capabilities as an actress, you and KTae. So , I thank you both. "Aom said. She's also teary eyed. "I don't want to cry. It doesn't fit my tom image. Let's just shake hands. " KPum said, extending her hand to Aom. " Oh, KPum, you're so funny." says Aom. She shook hands with her. " " So, we're done with the professional part. Now we can go to , the lesbian part..." KPum said. She gave Aom a big wink. Aom was shaking her head. "You sound so excited. " she said. "Oh, yeah. Imagine? You, giving up all these, just to be with Tina? Wow...I never thought you'll be a part of our world, never, really. But you're going to be happy, both of you, I know..." KPum said. "Thank you, KPum." says Aom. " What are your plans now? Are you going to follow her in LA?" asked KPum. "That's the thing. Since the breakup, we haven't heard about each other to this day. I'm not really aware of what's happening to her right now. I have to talk to her family first. I was thinking, what if she has a girlfriend already?" Aom said. "Then it's for you to find out. Go after her. Fight for her. Claim her." KPum said. Aom smiled and asked her..."Is that you how you are with your woman?" " Yes. " says KPum. "I'll tell you something...We, toms, may not be as masculine as compared to the real guys, but we are really fighters in our special way. We know how to fight for our woman, not using the fist, but using the heart. We love so deep. We are so sensitive of our woman's feelings, not to mention, we give good love...That's why they can't forget about us. " KPum sounded so proud. "What more can I say, KPum? I totally agree. " Aom said, smiling still. "Anyway, I wish you goodluck. Give my warmest regard to Tina. Keep me updated, okay?" KPum said. "I will, KPum. Thank you. I'll see you around. " Aom said.

As soon as Aom went outside of the office, she took a deep breath and looked around her. She closed her eyes and smiled..."It's official...I'm not an actress anymore. I'm a normal person..." she told herself. She called Pnay. "Hello, Pnay? Are you busy? Can we meet?" she asked.

"So this is really about love... I can't believe you gave up showbiz . You practically grew up in this industry. Your fans are going to miss you." Pnay said. " Well... that's life. We have to make choices. But I still have product endorsements though, I didnt give those up. But to act in front of the camera, I'm over it Pnay. I want to follow my heart, and that is to be with Tina. If I want to be with her, then I should be in her world. She was once a part of our world, but she chose to have a more peaceful life, that's why she gave it up. I'm not getting any younger. I want to move on to the next level." Aom said. Pnay looked at her, she's surprised. But she's happy. "What do you mean? Don't tell me..." " Yes, Pnay. But there's still a lot of things to do. That's why I called you. You need to help me." Aom said. Pnay was smiling...

"So are you ready? " asked Pnay. She and Aom are standing in front of Jitaleela's residence. " I'm not going anywhere, Pnay. I have to do this. " Aom said, pressing the doorbell. The housekeeper asked them both to come in. Tina's mom was staying in the living room and was surprised seeing Aom and Pnay. "Hello, Ma. How are you doing? I hope you're not mad at me." Aom said, bowing her head as a sign of respect. She feels like crying. Mrs. Jitaleela immediately went to Aom's side and hugged her tight, she was crying. Tears fell on Aom's cheeks. " I'm so sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to hurt Tina. I feel so ashamed because I have promised to take care of your daughter. "Aom said, she too, was hugging Tina's mom. "Don't ever think that we were upset with you. Tina explained to us everything. You had to make a choice, and it was for your dad. Nobody can question your decision. I was really hoping this day would come, so we can talk about what happened. How are you doing, Aom? Are you okay?" asked Tina's mom. "I'm okay now, Ma. How's Tina? How is she doing?" asked Aom. Tina's mom took a deep breath..." Tina's not yet recovered. Air needed to call Tracy to help us get a hold of Tina just recently because Tina has not been answering our calls for over a month now. Then she called her dad to let us know that she was busy with work, that's why she hasn't been calling us. But then, when Tracy talked to Air, she said that Tina was still messed up. She's forcing herself of too much work day and night. She lacks sleep and she lost a lot of weight. We're so worried." Tina's mom said. Aom and Pnay exchanged glances. "Actually, she has not been answering my calls too. But I know Tina so well. If she needs to talk me, she would call me." says Pnay. "Ma, don't worry. I'm going to fix this." Aom said. "But how? You're not even together anymore..." asked Tina's mom. Aom smiled. "Ma, my dad already gave me and Tina his blessings, that's why I'm here. I'm asking for your permission to be with Tina again. " "What??? Is that true? Oh, Aom..." Tina's mom gave Aom a tight embrace, she was crying again. "Is Papa here? asked Aom. "He's out of town, but don't worry, I'll tell him about this. " says Tina's mom. "Is Air here?" asked Pnay. "She's upstairs. You can just go there and knock, she's not busy. She'll be very happy to see you two. "Tina's mom said. "We need to talk to her. It's very important. "says Aom.

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