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Aom forgot something which Sunny Ann would need for the next day. She then decided to go to Tina's house to get it. She's aware that it was already late in the evening, but she knows Tina is a late sleeper, so Aom thought it's okay to drop by. When she arrived at the house, she saw another car that was parked along the driveway. "I wonder who's here at this time?" Aom told herself. She just parked her car across the street, opposite Tina's house. As she was about to go straight to the house, she heard people laughing.

Aom stopped walking. She wanted to see who are these people. There she saw Tina, talking with Chix. They were laughing and obviously having a good time. Aom took a deep breath. She wasn't expecting this. She hid herself in one of the big bushes. She doesn't really know why she thought of doing this. Then she began listening to their conversation. "Seriously asking, how's my home cooked adobo tastes like?" asked Chix. "Oh, it's really good. So good , you can find yourself another partner. " Tina said, smiling. "You think so? " asked Chix. "Oh yeah. There is a saying...the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. " Tina said. "Hmnnn...okay..." Chix said. "Can I ask you something? You have to promise me, you will answer everything seriously. " says Chix. "Sounds scary, but sure..." Tina said.

"Do you miss Aom's cooking?" asked Chix. "Ahh, Yes. Sometimes...especially my favorite food that she would always cook." Tina said. "What kind of food? " asked Chix. "Curried type of food. Pork or chicken. But now, whenever I'm craving for it, I just buy it in a Thai restaurant. " says Tina. "Oh, I remember...yeah, that bag of to-go curry, when we first met at the liquor store. So that's your favorite." Chix said. Tina just nodded. "Why not ask Aom sometimes to cook it for you? " asked Chix. "Why would she still cook for me? We're not even together anymore. Of course, she would cook for Brent , Meg and Sunny Ann, but not for me. Besides, it's not really proper to do that anymore. " says Tina. Aom took a deep breath. She felt bad hearing this...

"Do you still love her?" asked Chix. "Seriously, you're asking me this? Why?" asked Tina. "I'm just curious. How many years you've been separated? " asked Chix. "Almost three. It's a long time." Tina said. "So, do you still love her?" asked Chix. Aom's looking at Tina. She wants to hear her answer. There was a long pause. Then Tina looked at Chix. "Yes...I still love her." There was a crack in Tina 's voice. Aom took a deep breath. She's teary eyed.

"It must be hard everytime you see her, and talk to her, because of Sunny. How are you able to handle that?" asked Chix. "It's difficult, but I'm doing it for Sunny. She's all I got. Sometimes. I try to look back and ask myself, why up to now, I'm still loving Aom after everything that has happened. Almost 18 years of loving her..." Tina said. She's teary eyed. Aom may not have noticed it, but tears are flowing from her eyes, hearing this from Tina.

"18 years...Wow...that's a long time. That's amazing. You are amazing..." says Chix. Tina smiled bitterly. "But you know what, since we're talking about this right now, I just realized one thing..." Tina said. Aom looked closely at Tina. She feels uneasy. She can't explain why she feels afraid, she might hear something hurtful..."And what is that? " asked Chix. "For the first time in years, I feel tired already. I feel tired of loving her. I just want to get rid of this feeling..." Tina held back her tears. "I'm sorry. I'm really emotional when it comes to things like this." Tina smiled, though she looked so sad. Aom covered her mouth. This was too painful to hear. She was crying hard, hearing this. "Do you miss her?" asked Chix. Aom lift her head. She looked at Tina again. "Yes. Everyday. And I hate myself for missing her." Tina said. She looked down. She felt like crying. She took a deep breath. "Hey, I'm sorry for asking you all of these. Don't feel bad anymore, okay? Now, I don't know what to say...Okay, just to perk you up, I promise, I'll try cooking curry just for you." says Chix, smiling. "You don't need to. Your adobo is enough." says Tina. "No. I still insist!" says Chix, smiling. "Okay...if you insist, Chix." Tina said.

"I have to ask you this again." Chix said. " What? You're not yet finished? What is it? " asked Tina. " You said you miss Aom everyday, right?" asked Chix. Tina nodded , yes. Chix stood closer towards Tina. Tina remained seated on.the edge of the patio stairs. Aom looked at them closely...She feels this situation is leading. Her chest is pounding."What do you miss about her? Do you miss the kissing? Do you miss the cuddling? " asked Chix. Tina took a deep breath. " You mean, getting laid?" asked Tina. "Well, yeah. I didn't want to be so blunt. But since you've said it already, yes, I'm asking you. Do you miss it?" says Chix, she looked at Tina straight in the eye. There was a long silence. "Yes. Sometimes..." Then Tina looked away. Aom closed her eyes. She doesn't know what to feel. All these things she's hearing from Tina, her face doesn't show it whenever she sees Aom. After the separation, Tina was always plain and casual in dealing with her. It hurts her so much to know that Tina is still hurting inside because of her. And now... everything came back. She realized, she still loves Tina. Her love for her never changed. After hearing all of these, how would she be able to pick up the torn pieces?

Aom looked at Tina and Chix again. She saw Chix touching Tina's face. She feels so hurt witnessing this. She's afraid to see what's going to happen next..." Hey, are you alright?" asked Chix, still touching Tina's face. Tina held Chixs' hand, and she closed her eyes. She was crying. Seeing this, Aom started crying again. She saw Chix wiping the tears on Tina's face. She looked at them closely. Her chest is pounding . Chix bent down a little, so her face can be closer to Tinas'. They were having eye to eye contact. She started kissing Tina on the lips. Tina wasn't responding. She looked hesitant, she stood up and even tried withdrawing from the situation. But then it didn't stop Chix from trying. She was still kissing Tina, putting her arms around her. Until Tina gave in...She responded intensely...All these years of missing Aom, suddenly, there was someone who made her feel wanted, once more.

Tina and Chix were like hungry animals craving for food. They were so wild kissing each other. Tina even carried Chix. Her legs entwined around Tina's waist. They headed inside the house, and then Tina closed the door...Aom stood there frozen. Tears keep falling on her cheeks. Her chest feels like exploding. She's in shock. She was crying so loud, she needed to cover her mouth. How she was able to go back to her car with her mind being so blank, she doesn't even know.

Aom dropped her face on the steering wheel. She can't stop crying. Then she looked at the house. It hurts her so much knowing that Tina and Chix are having sex at the moment, she feels she's going crazy. She remembers everything Tina have said a while ago. Tina already hates the feeling of loving her still. Aom can't stand thinking about it. She still loves Tina. She feels so sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry for leaving you..." Aom kept on crying...

*****MEANT TO BE 2******

Coming soon.....

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