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***I'm sorry guys, but you have to read this first, before the blind date continuation. There were some problems encountered in publishing this part. Thank you! ***


In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

     It was early in the morning and Tina got up from bed to have her first breakfast with her family.  "Good morning guys! " Hello Ma! Hello Pa! Hello Air!" Tina kissed everyone of them.

     "So, how was your night with Aom?" asked Tina's dad.

   "Uhmnn... Maybe you could start first by asking how was the party, Pa." says Tina.

      "You know me too well, I go straight to the point. " Tina's dad was so cheesy teasing her, and then Air and her mother were teasing her too.

      "So, was she surprised seeing how handsome you are now? Hahaha" asked Air.

     " Awww guys, let's just eat, I have a blind date today to look forward to." says Tina.

     "What? A blind date? With whom?" asked her mom.

      "She's one of P'nays closest friends. She thinks we're going to click, so maybe I should give it a try, right? "says Tina.

     "It's up to you. Don't forget you're staying here only for a short time, so think about it before things get complicated. It's hard to have a long distance relationship, I'm just trying to remind you. " says Tina's mom.

      "Okay, wait. I have to make this phone call. Hello, this is Tina speaking... Is this Mai.?"


     Aom was still sleeping when she heard her phone ringing, it's her mom. "Hello ma? Good morning. No. I just woke up. It went well. I had a good time. Tina was there. She arrived yesterday morning. I'm okay, well, not really if you're asking me about that. Have you had breakfast yet? Me, not yet. I'm coming over, we need to talk. Okay , bye. See you,ma." Aom's thinking about Tina again. She remembers today is the day she's supposed to call Mai for that blind date. She feels bad already...

     "ughh! And it's early in the morning, why do I have to feel this way." Aom got up. She looked at her phone. She's thinking of Tina. She's asking herself, "Should I text her? Okay then..."

      "Good morning Kim! Hope you'll have a nice day today. Take care." Aom let out a sigh, hoping Tina would text back. But then she has to prepare already, her mom is waiting for her.

     Tina was having a nice chat with her family while having breakfast when suddenly her phone beeped. It was a text message. "Who could this be?" It was Aom. Tina smiled after reading the message, and then she replied...

     "Good morning ,Pie. I hope you'll have a nice day too. I'm having breakfast with my family right now. Have your breakfast too! See you tomorrow. Take care!" Tina still had that smile on her face until she noticed her mom, dad and sister were all looking at her. "Yes???" She asked.

       "Who was that? You're all smiles. Was it Aom?" asked Air. 

      "Uhh...yes." Then Tina continued eating, trying to pretend that it wasn't a big deal.

      "I knew it...  Are you going to pursue her this time? " Tina's dad looked concerned. He remembers how Tina got depressed because of Aom.

     "No, Pa. It's not a big deal. I'm over it. It was just a friendly text. No worries, I know what you mean." Tina let out a sigh. Air just patted her shoulder.


     While driving, Aom took a peek on her phone. There she saw Tina's reply. It made her smile, but only for a while. She's thinking of her feelings for Tina.

     "So, I'm officially a lesbian... Now I know the feeling..." Aom was telling herself. She's thinking how would she tell it to her parents. She knows her mom would understand. But what about her dad? She's also thinking about her career. "What's going to happen to me? Oh well, i'll just  cross the bridge when I get there. "


     "Hello, Mai? It's Tina again. Can we possibly meet today? Like around  five pm? Oh yeah, I know that place. So, i'll see you later? Great!" Bye!" Tina seems excited.

     "Hello P'nay? Guess what? I'm going to meet with Mai this afternoon. Me, nervous? No. I'm kinda excited. I feel that she's a nice person. I can tell from her voice that she's friendly . She is? Then we'll see about that. Yeah, i'm going to call you after the date, okay. "  Tina hung up.


     " Hi Pa! Good morning..." Aom greeted her dad while he was enjoying his coffee and morning papers..."Hey honey! Why so early? Have you had breakfast yet?" asked her dad. "No. Not yet. Where's ma?....

***** PLEASE READ THE BLIND DATE (Continued) for the continuation of this part. Thank you for bearing with me!*****

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