Blaming Cupid - Chapter Three

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3. Harriet

"Well, shit."

That's the response I receive from Lea after I finish explaining the events that occurred today.

I send her a nod, "I know."

Grace's mouth forms a small 'O' shape. She sits across me with her elbows propped on the small round table, chin in one hand. "How lucky. Honestly!"

"It's not like I'll ever get with him, though," I tell her.

A line appears between Lea's eyebrows, "Why not?"

I shrug, "No specific reason." However, truly, I didn't think I was his type. To me, it seemed like he was interested in females who were dominant and optimistic. My introverted self wouldn't really fit in there.

"My day couldn't get any more boring. I had the worst subjects today," Lea groans, "I just can't wait to go home and take a nap."

As I'm about to agree with her, I'm cut off by the ringtone of my phone. I answer absentmindedly, placing the device beside my ear. The sound of shuffling emerges from the other line.

My eyebrows furrow, "Hello?"

"Ah, Kiki," I recognise Lucas's voice.


"Shit, sorry. It's just...that's what I use to call my little sister," he replies. I can imagine the frown on his face.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry. Kiki it is from now on," I reassure him, "How are you doing Lucas?"

Grace and Lea look in my direction. They stop what they are doing and lean forward to eavesdrop.

"I'm great, I'm just glad I got the right number," Lucas says, his voice taking on a relieved tone.

"How'd you get it in the first place?" I ask.

He chuckles, "I got it from a friend of yours. It didn't take much persuading, she was very willing."

I look up at Grace. She grins coyly.

"Yeah, I think I know who you're talking about," I return.

He lets out a laugh. His laugh has a nice ring to it.

I smile, "So, why'd you ring me?"

"Well, I am kind of your tutor," He answers. "so, I was thinking we could meet up later for an hour of trigonometry? I hear that's a topic you struggle a lot with."

His voice sounds rather nervous as he suggests this. My face scrunches up in disgust at the term 'trigonometry', but, I agree to his request anyway.

"Your place, right?" I counter.

"Hold your horses, cowboy," he quips. "My mum currently has her friends over so unless you want to be bombarded with a bunch of stupid questions, it's got to be yours."

I deny straightaway. "No way, you can't come mine. Do you even understand what a circus my family is?"

"It can't be that bad!"

"No, don't say that. My family is not even normal."

He releases a small chuckle. "I'm sure I'll be able to survive."

I contemplate for a moment. "Fine, but remember, I warned you. I'll text you my address, be there by ten minutes."

"Got it, boss." he returns.

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