Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Seven

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blaming cupid
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27. Harriet

The next morning I wake up beside Josiah. I slowly open my eyes while letting out a yawn and turn to my side to see him sleeping peacefully beside me. Soft breaths escape through his parted plump lips.

To be by his side, laying here, is the greatest feeling.

I continue to stare at him as I have nothing better to do.

"Cherry," Josiah murmurs "Stop looking at me while I'm sleeping,"

I turn away. "Huh? Looking at you? I wasn't doing anything of the sort."

He sends me his signature lazy smile. "You're terrible at lying, Hattie baby."

His morning voice is beautiful. Fucking hell.

My cheeks turn hot as I force my head to the side. Josiah is already staring back at me. His mesmerising hazel eyes are squinted due to the sunlight pouring through the windows mercilessly.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers and then he pulls me closer to kiss my lips. I smile softly against his lips.

"Good morning to you too," I respond.

He moves his head back and continues to gaze at me. He looks like he's just seen some sort of angel by the look in his eyes.

"I don't deserve you, Harriet,"

I roll my eyes at his silly remark. "Don't be stupid."

"No, I'm being serious. How did I manage to get you? I'm such a bad person."

"You're an amazing person in my eyes. Remember that."

"Can we just lie here forever?" He asks.

"As much as I want to," I pause to let out a sad sigh "We can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I need to meet up with the girls later,"

"I want to say 'fuck the girls' but they're actually pretty nice so I'm going to decide against it."

I let out a small laugh and flick his forehead playfully before I sit up and lean against the headboard. I take the duvet apart from my legs to grab my pyjama trousers and pull them up when I stand up.

I'm on the verge of walking to the bathroom until I nearly slip on something under my foot.

My eyebrows furrow as I bend over to pick up the paper I almost slip on.

"Damn," I hear Josiah mutter from behind me but I'm too concentrated on this paper that I don't even realise.

Slowly I unfold the paper and the first thing that I see sends me way back down to memory lane.

Fuck no. Fuck me.

"Banana!" I shriek, my eyes skimming over the instruction sheet that was given to us last month or so.

"You're right, a banana would be nice right now. Mind getting me one?" Josiah asks.

I spin around and chuck the paper at his chest.

"No! Josiah! Banana! Our baby, our son, fucking Banana!" I cry in his face, waving my arms in the air frantically.

"Oh, shit, fuck!" Josiah curses.

"Where is he, Jo-Jo?!"

"What do you mean, you were the last one to have him!"

"Don't you dare fucking accuse me! Don't bullshit me either! Wow, what a great father you are! You lost our baby!"

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