Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Six

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blaming cupid
‹ t w e n t y – s i x ›

26. Harriet

"What happened, Jo-Jo?" I stress as I cautiously place a cloth of ice against his cheek. He doesn't flinch at all as I do so.

I took him to my house and decided to skip all of my lessons for the rest of the day. There's nobody at home apart from the both of us, which is great considering we can spare a couple moments of privacy to ourselves.

"Got into a fight with two big lads," He explains "Was too drunk to finish what I started, ended up letting them beat me."

"Oh for Christ sake, Jo-Jo, why would you do that?" I scold him.

"Harriet Parker," he answers "That's why."

I stop cleaning his cuts to stare at him. Just as he does. Then he leans forward and rests his forehead against mine.

"I left her...for good."

I can't help but do a little happy dance in my head. "That's probably the best news I've heard all day," I whisper with a little smile.

I move forward so that our lips brush together and our breaths mingle with one another. Josiah breaks the distance and presses his lips to mine. I feel like the world is drifting away just by his kiss. How can someone have such a huge effect on one?

He pulls away after a couple of moments. I try hard not to frown at the loss of contact.

"You mean a lot to me, cherry," He tells me. His fingers trace circles on the skin of my hips that my shirt exposes. "I want you to know that."

I smile, warmly. "You mean more to me than I do to you, and that's a fact."

He shakes his head. "I highly doubt it."

With a soft chuckle, I snake my arms around his chest and bury my face in his neck. I feel like just staying in this position for eternity.

"You alright?" He muses. I don't respond and snuggle into him further. I feel so secure in his grasp.

"I don't feel like letting go yet," I murmur in his neck.

"I don't want you to," he replies.

Gradually, his hand comes up to the back of my head, his fingers skilfully running through the strands of my hair as he gently massages my head.

I flutter my eyes shut.

"It's your birthday," Josiah mumbles when his hand comes up to my school bag to take out the card some girl handed me earlier. "I didn't even know..."

"It's alright," I whisper.

"I'm probably the last to wish you but happy birthday, cherry." His thumb caresses my cheek as I move up to look at him.

"Your wish is the only one that matters, Jo-Jo. Thank you." I reply.

We're interrupted by the doorbell that rings repeatedly until I let out a groan and storm over to it, gripping the handle to give whoever it is behind a full list of curses.

"You stupid fuck, I can hear you fucking ring the doorbell, okay! No need to press it more than once!" I yell.

Then I observe the person. Well, the four men. They're tall and rather tan also, with tattoos playing peekaboo under their shirts.

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