Blaming Cupid - Chapter Eighteen

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18. Harriet

"You better hurry up, cherry, I'm not waiting for your slow arse and I'm not afraid to leave you behind either."

I push my phone up to my shoulder as I hurriedly tie the laces of my converse shoes. "Shut up, I'll be down in two seconds, I swear."

"One, two." He says. "You're still not here."

I let out a dry laugh. "Ha, ha! Oh, Josiah, you're so funny, seriously you're killing me."

"Stop hyping it and hurry the hell up." He returns. I can hear the engine of his motorcycle rev up which increases my speed down the stairs.

As mum left early this morning, she didn't have time to hand me any change for the bus, hence I was forced to ask Josiah for a lift. He accepted after letting me beg for a while and is now currently waiting outside my house, ready to set off.

I bolt out of the front door as I throw on my backpack and race towards Josiah. I shove my phone into my top shirt pocket after ending the call and hop on the motorcycle, sitting behind him.

He looks at me through bar end mirror with a smirk.

"Morning, darling." he says.

I tighten my arms around his waist. "Morning, Jo-Jo."

And then we're off.

We make it to school just as the bell signalling first period rings through the halls. I slam my locker shut after I take out some books and turn to Josiah. He's already looking at me with his arms folded across his chest and a winning smile on his lips.

We both just sort of stand there, looking at each other until our wordless moment is interrupted by a clatter of heels.

"Harriet fucking Parker!" I hear Mia scream, her eyes squinting over at me in fury from down the hall. She stomps my way with her hands on her hips and the stench of fish following her. "I know what you fucking did! Do you honestly think you're funny?"

"Me? What?" I feign innocence and pretend the realisation just dawned on me. "Oh, you mean you weren't intentionally going for the fishy smell today?"

Mia pushes me back against the lockers with a thud. "You bitch! How dare you? You're going to pay for that!" Her hand raises up to strike when another hand comes up to grab it just before it can make contact with my cheek.

It's Josiah's. He pulls her arms behind her back, twisting them so hard it's almost painful to watch. He then leans close to her ear so what he says next can be heard by her only.

"If you're smart enough Mia you'd know to never do that again." Josiah murmurs. Then he lets go of her arms. The act is so sudden that it makes her body collide against the lockers. "Now run along."

She retreats in her form and then scoffs as if she isn't affected by what he says. "Oh, fuck off, the pair of you!"

Josiah waves back at her as she marches down the hallway in her treacherously high heels, the relentless clank of her heels echoing down.

"Bitch," I mutter.

Josiah turns to me. "Agreed." And then he throws his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close as we start to walk to the flight of stairs.

"Weren't you two together for a while?" I ask.

He shrugs. "If fucking around a few times means that we were together then sure."

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