Blaming Cupid - Chapter Thirteen

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13. Harriet

"I got a bad boy I must admit it!" I belt out into my hairbrush, swinging my hips to the catchy beat of the song, "You got my heart, don't know how you did it!"

It's been twenty minutes since I woke up and here I am, harassing Ariana Grande's lyrics at an ungodly hour in nothing but my school shirt and underwear. Let's hope my mother doesn't receive complaints from the neighbours later on.

I bend over to pick up the cat Lou brought earlier this week and scream the lyrics at her. The ginger creature meows viciously and wriggles out of my grip to her escape.

"Rude," I mutter with a roll of my eyes before I start to sing again.

A minute later Kai stomps into my bedroom, heading straight for my speaker. My mouth falls open in shock as I watch him hurl it across the ground. I flinch at the loud crash and reopen my eyes to see my speaker is smashed up in pieces.

I look back up at him with a frown. His hair is a mess and his eyes are slightly red.

"It's six thirty in the fucking morning!" He shouts, "I'm trying to sleep but your pathetic excuse for singing is interrupting, please for the love of god, shut the fuck up!"

I can't help but bite back a chuckle at his rage. It's almost amusing. All of a sudden, it's hard for me to take him serious.

I hop off my bed to stand in front of him. "Awww! Kai! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh, god no," he lets out a groan, "don't tell me that now you're dating Everett, you've turned into some 'little miss sunshine'."

I laugh and playfully smack his shoulder, "Haha, stop being silly, big bro, I've always been like this."

His nose crinkles up in disgust, "No–no, you have not, please stop, you're making me sick."

I take a step closer to him, batting my eyelashes, "Oh, Kai! Kai! You know I love you, right?"

A look of horror adjusts to his face and he backs away slowly, "W-What the fuck has he done to you? You are not my sister."

"Nonsense! I am your sister! And I love you–really I do, I'm sorry for all the times I hit you–forgive me, brother?"

He slowly backs away towards the doorframe, "Don't come near me until you stop acting like this," he warns before he turns around and bolts down the stairs, "Mum! Hattie's lost her marbles, we need to take her to the hospital! ASAP!"

I run after him, "Noo, Kai! Come back, I love you! Why can't you just give me some love?!"

I chase him down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother sits at her regular spot behind the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. As she takes us both in, her smile is replaced by a sneer, "Oh god, what do you two want?"

Gee, good morning to you too, mum.

Kai hides behind her, using her as a human shield, "Our Hattie has gone insane," he whispers, holding onto her shoulders for dear life.

I roll my eyes and fold my arms across my chest, "Oh my gosh, Kai, you're overreacting, I mean, can't I love you? You're the best brother ever."

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