Blaming Cupid - Chapter Seven

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7. Harriet

"So, I'm home now," I say, turning to look over at Lucas as we arrive at the front garden of my house. His gaze is completely concentrated on my face and he seems to be lost in deep thought.

I snap my fingers in his face, "Lucas?"

"Oh," he blinks and glances at my front door, "Sorry about that," he sends me a sheepish smile.

"It's fine," I return his smile, "thanks for walking me,"

"You're very welcome, Kiki," he replies, "I'll see you tomorrow, stay safe."

"You too!" I call as he starts to walk off.

After watching him turn the corner of my street, I head up to my front door and reach inside the pocket of my coat for the house key. My fingers glide past the fabric, avoiding any contact with a piece of metal. My eyebrows furrow and I dig my hand further into the pocket, but still, there are no keys.

That's when I drop my bag to the ground and empty it out to search it thoroughly, including the pockets inside. Still, I can't seem to find any fucking key.

I heave out an angry puff of air, having no choice but to drag myself to the neighbour's house. My mother always reminded me in case of a situation like this occurs, I should head over to the nice lady that lives next door and she should let me stay over until somebody got home.

I put on a friendly smile and knock on her front door a couple of times. I can hear a few yells emerge from inside before the door is finally opened, revealing a cranky-looking Josiah. His dark curls are messily toppled on his forehead and he studies me with his jaded eyes. A couple of reddish crease marks trace his cheek which appears like he just woke up from a nap.

"Oh, what the fuck are you doing here?" He sneers and takes a bite out of his half-eaten banana.

My smile switches to a scowl, "I could ask you the same question."

"Well, I asked you first, so answer," He tosses his banana into the small bin next to me.

I narrow my eyes at him, "Well, I was expecting Mrs Ferraro to greet me with her wonderful smile and maybe offer her telephone so that I can let my mother know that I'm locked out of my house, but instead I got you."

"Quit acting, you're probably bursting with excitement to see me, in fact, I bet you're so wet right now just by gaping at my sexy face,"

I scoff at his arrogance, "Yeah, right—"

Josiah cuts me off, "And Mrs Ferraro is my nana, I moved in with her last week, so this house practically belongs to me and there's no way I'm letting you in," he declares, stubbornly throwing his arms over his chest.

"I don't see you paying any of the bills around here," Mrs Ferraro's voice intrudes in our conversation, "Etta dear, you're always welcome, step inside and ignore Jo-Jo, he gets a bit grumpy when somebody interrupts his napping time."

With a triumphant smile, I walk past Josiah, deliberately barging my shoulder against his when I pass him. He rolls his eyes as a response.

"Thank you, Mrs Ferraro," I reply.

She waves it off with her hand and takes my coat to hang it up on the hook, "Have you been locked out?" she asks.

I send her a nod, "Yeah, but it's not that bad now that I'm here,"

"Aww, aren't you such a sweetheart?" She coos.

"I highly disagree with that," I hear Josiah mutter under his breath to which I throw him a glare.

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