Blaming Cupid - Chapter Eleven

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11. Harriet

When I get back from Lorena's house, I waste no time walking up to my room to get an early night. 

I run myself a warm bath and after washing my body and hair, I step out of the tub, wrapping a towel around my body. I walk back into my room and rummage through my closet for some comfy bedclothes. I settle with tracksuit bottoms and an oversized shirt and after I change,  I slip under my duvet. 

It doesn't take much time for me to knock out. I can feel sleep pool into my eyelids and before I know it, I drift off.

I can't remember exactly how long I was out for, but suddenly my eyes snap open. I sit up in my bed, mind groggy as I glance over at the clock on my bedside table. 

It's 3 AM.

Oh, god.

I lay back down and try my best to fall back asleep. I toss and turn in my bed, beckoning my eyes shut, but to no avail. My room feels like an oven. 

"For fuck sake," I let out a sigh and walk over to my bedroom window, allowing some cold air into the scorching room. 

I look up at the sky, exhaling slowly as the cool wind kisses my skin.

Just as I think I have a bit of peace to myself, I hear his voice enter my ears.

"Etta baby."

My eyes snap in his direction, towards his window to see him staring right at me. He has a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He's looking over, elbows propped on his window sill with a smile that would make any girl swoon. 

"Why are you awake?" I ask. 

"I could ask you the same question," he returns.

"Well, I asked you first."

He rolls his eyes, "Banana kept me awake."

"But your room sounds quiet?" I counter.

"Well, you see, I accidentally chopped his head off," he replies with a nonchalant shrug.

My eyes widen, "You did what?!" I hiss.

He lets out a chuckle, "I'm kidding, he's napping, I just can't get to sleep."

"Yeah, neither can I," I reply.

A short silence falls over us, which is spent with the two of us staring at each other.

"Hey, do you wanna go on an adventure?" He asks suddenly.

I narrow my eyes at him, "It depends–"

"Be quiet and put a coat on, I'll meet you downstairs," he orders. 

I lift my middle finger up at him and he scoffs in return before he leaves his room. I roll my eyes and head out right after. Before I leave, I grab a jacket and some trainers along with a pair of socks.

I hold my breath as I tip-toe out of my bedroom in case my family who happen to have super senses wake up. I successfully make it to the bottom of the stairs without clumsily tripping over.

I bend down to tie the laces of my trainers before unlocking the front door and slowly pulling it open. I step outside, immediately noticing Josiah's tall frame leaning against my mother's car. I roll my eyes and zip my coat to the top as I walk towards him.

He puts out his cigarette and motions with his long fingers for me to follow him.

"Could you please expand on this adventure you seem to have in mind?" I ask as I reach the pavement.

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