Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-One

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blaming cupid
t w e n t y o n e

21. Harriet

When I wake up the next morning, I know I've slept for too long.

I feel soft breaths on my neck which makes my eyes jolt open. I look down at my chest to see a long arm covered with tattoos lying on my boobs. My eyes trail to whose arm it is and I recognise Josiah. His face rests on my collarbone peacefully.

I feel a little bit of relief wash over me as it isn't some random stranger that I'm sleeping beside.

I turn my head and let out a disoriented groan. My head thuds relentlessly and my back is stiff like wood. There's also a bad taste lingering in my dry mouth. I feel like shit.

I drink up my familiar surroundings. It's the same room Grace dragged me to last night. There's a huge mess: empty red solo cups litter the carpet, along with a couple of blow-up dolls and there are all sorts of food smeared across the floor. Good luck to whoever's cleaning.

I look back at a rather naked Josiah. His stripped leg is across my lower body and his arms are wrapped securely around me, which prevents me from falling off the settee.

Just to make sure, I look down to his crotch to see that his Calvin Klein boxer briefs are still on. I move my hand down and sigh in relief when my fingertips make contact with the material of my underwear.

I move Josiah's arm from my chest and wriggle my body so that his leg shrugs off mine. It was a stupid act to make as I then fall to the floor.

I brace myself for the impact of the ground but it doesn't come and instead, my ankle begins to hurt. I wince and look down to see a silver metal ring around it. My eyes move to where the other ring is connected to and it's Josiah's ankle.

Fuck my life.

"Josiah." I groan, pushing my body against his continuously so that he somehow awakens.

He hums with his eyes closed. "What you want, cherry?" he mumbles, absentmindedly.

"For your lazy arse to wake the fuck up." I hiss.

He moans in protest and buries his face further into my neck. "Two more minutes please."

"No, because two minutes will end up being two hours and I'm not willing to wait that long." I snap and continue to shake him.

"Why can't you just go and leave me be?" he asks while his hand rises up my dress slowly. "On the other hand, please stay."

I swat his hand away. "I don't have a ride, Josiah, I don't know where the hell I am either and the biggest fucking problem is that your ankle is cuffed to mine."

"Huh?" Josiah murmurs and lifts his head up lazily to see indeed that our ankles were cuffed together. He then falls back to my neck.

"Uncuff them then, genius," he mutters.

"I would if I had the fucking keys you dumb cunt." I cuss.

"Guess you're spending the day with me until we find the key." Josiah responds "also, do you smell that?" he asks, scrunching up his nose.

"Smell what?" I ask and pause in pushing him.

He attempts to sit up and when he does, a horrible smell shoots up my nose. My face wrinkles up as a response. I look up at Josiah's body and find the cause of the smell. There is a yucky substance stuck all over his back, something that looks much like vomit.

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