Blaming Cupid - Chapter Nine

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9. Harriet

The first thing I do when I arrive to school the next morning is search for Everett. I can't imagine how he must feel and think after seeing Josiah and I in the bathroom stall. I just hope he doesn't assume I blew him off last night, he should know I would never do something like that.

I still can't wrap my head around Josiah and I's encounter last night either. I don't understand what got into him when he did what he did. He just stayed there, with hardly any words exchanged between us before he left. Everybody seemed to separate their ways after I came out of the cubicle. It was a strange night, that's for sure.

Eventually, I manage to bump into Everett at his locker. He notices me from the corner of his eye, but doesn't bother to face me, continuing to unload textbooks from his locker.

"Can we..." I hesitate, "talk?" I can't help but nervously roll my lips together as I wait for his response.

He lets out a sigh and sends me a nod, motioning for me to go on. I take the offer and blurt out everything that plays on my mind.

"Yesterday, what you saw in the bathroom was a complete misunderstanding. You know me yourself, Everett, that is so unlike me, especially on a date with you, I couldn't disrespect you like that. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea." I explain.

He stares at me through soft eyes and takes a step forward, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist as he pulls me close to his chest. I breathe into his chest, feeling my tense shoulders relax.

"I know," he says with his chin on the top of my head, "I was just overwhelmed yesterday seeing you in that position, but I can promise you, I'm okay now."

I smile and hug him closer.

The sound of a throat clearing emerges and I turn my head to look behind, recognising Josiah. His jaw is clenched hard as he stares at us. There is hardly any emotion presented in his eyes.

"Move," he states.

I open my mouth, "Josiah-"

"I said fucking move," he spits. I flinch at the use of his tone, but regardless, I part a way for him to get past.

Everett's expression hardens, "Don't talk to her like that, mate."

Josiah's brooding eyes snap to Everett and he lets out a snort, "Firstly, let's get one thing straight, I'm not your mate," he continues to rummage through his locker, before he pulls out a book and slams the locker shut, "secondly, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but this fling you two you have going on won't last, at all,"

His dimple stretches into his check as a malicious smile dances on his lips. Without another word, he spins on his heel and heads up to first period.

"Just ignore him," Everett advises once Josiah is out of our sight, "Ill meet you at lunch, babe," he plants a kiss on my cheek and makes his way in the opposite direction.

I shake my head, trying my best to not take any thought into what Josiah said as I walk up to my drama class. On entering, I take my usual spot near the back, disregarding the few looks I receive from Mia's obnoxious minions. I'm well aware they're only giving me dirty looks as an order from the queen bitch herself.

"Okay, guys, for today, I've picked out a blockbuster smash hit musical that everybody in this room will be participating in," Mrs Jonson announces with a clap of her hands, "That's right, folks, it's Grease time."

A couple of cheers follow on after her announcement.

"The characters will be given by fate, in more specific terms, you will be picking from a hat," she explains, demonstrating with a black hat, "You are not allowed, in any circumstances, to change or ask for another role."

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