Blaming Cupid - Chapter Sixteen

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blaming cupid
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16. Harriet

"Whereabouts are you, hoe?" I ask as soon as Grace answers my call.

I furrow my brows as oddly enough, there isn't a reply.

The noise of chairs being scraped against the floor blares from the speakers. I make a face at the unpleasant sound.

"Hello? Grace!"

Another scrape. This time, followed by a fluent stream of curses. I raise an eyebrow, opening my mouth to reply when I'm cut off by an angry male voice, hollering.

"Suck your mum!"

Excuse me?

His phrase is followed by laughter until I hear Grace squeal from the other end. "Holy shit! Harriet!"

"Grace!" I exclaim in annoyance. "Where the fuck are you? And who the hell told me to suck my mum?"

She giggles. "No, Hattie! He weren't talking to you!"

"Grace! Where on earth are you?"

"Hattie," she dramatically pauses. "There's a fight going on in the cafeteria."

I roll my eyes. "Sooo..what do you want me to do about it?"

"You don't understand," Grace stresses. "It's a fight over Lea."

"Who could possibly be fighting over her?"

"It's Hayden and Oliver," she replies. "I don't know what happened, but everything just suddenly went 'pow-pow boom!'."

I pick up my pace and enter the school building. The cluster of students pouring from the cafeteria doors makes it incredibly difficult to get past. I try anyway, elbowing my way through the mass of pupils cheering and recording with their phones.

"They're not like...psychically fighting are they?" I ask to clarify.

"Obviously they are, Hattie, otherwise I wouldn't be making such a big deal," she retorts "there aren't even any teachers around to stop it, for fuck sake-"

My heart begins to rattle in my ribcage as I hear a thunderous come from inside the hall. A few people stood beside the lockers are alarmed by the sound, their conversations becoming mute as they look in the direction of the cafeteria.

An eerie silence welcomes the atmosphere and I feel a knot in my stomach which tightens slowly. The anxiety and curiosity chewing at my insides cause me to hurry towards the entrance.

As I enter, my eyes initially find Grace. A look of terror holds her features as she stares at the pair groaning on the floor.

I follow her gaze and wince, tilting my head to the side as I witness the scene in front of me.

Sprawled across the floor in a sea of broken glass are both Oliver and Hayden. Fresh cuts and purple bruises are painted on their faces.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Mr Alan bolts through the doors with two guards at his sides. Distress twine their features as the trio observe the mess.

The guards are quick to approach Hayden and Oliver, pulling them up carefully so that they leave the premises and head to where I'm assuming is the hospital.

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