Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty

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blaming cupid
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20. Harriet

I spent Saturday in bed all day.

Mum checked up on me a couple of times, half the time with food and my favourite snacks but I refused to eat anything. I didn't feel like it. I spent the time grieving about all the shit things that have occurred in my past sixteen years of existence.

That was all I did.

Well, I slept a lot too.

It's been a depressing couple of days, that's for sure.

Grace and Lea came over yesterday and tried to cheer me up but it didn't work as well.

Josiah stayed over the night before. He left early the following morning and left a note that read he had to go out with Lorena somewhere, hence he had to leave.

Sam Smith is playing in my room at a low volume and has been since yesterday. His music is not helping the situation at all. Just making me feel more depressed.

It's sundown and I'm still laying under my covers, just staring at the ceiling of my bedroom which has thousands of stars scattered across it.

I let out a long sigh.

Gosh, I need to get a grip.

Seriously, what the hell am I doing with my life?

It's as if God hears me and comes up with a plan to take my mind off what's going on because just then, my bedroom door is kicked open.

Lea and Grace enter.

They have a variety of plastic bags on their arms as if they've just been shopping. Lea throws her bags on the floor and storms over to my speakers, jabbing her finger repeatedly on the pause button of Sam's album.

"Okay! That's definitely enough Sam Smith for you." She remarks and turns to me with an exasperated look.

Grace nods her head, the curls from her two ponytails bouncing in the process. "Agreed completely, Ellie."

"We can't let you live on like this!" Lea dramatises "Being your best friends we can't—we won't let you."

"Just let me be guys," I tell them.

Grace scoffs. "No way, Hattie!"

"Right! Who do you think we are?" Lea agrees.

"If you think we're just gonna just let you be depressed for life, then you're fucking wrong." The two say in unison.

"That's not on my watch, Parker," Lea declares.

"And this is where our plan comes in." Grace begins "Halloween's just around the corner, baby and there's a huge bash tonight."

"Getting fucked out of your mind will really help you" Lea adds "Trust me, I know this shit."

I snort. "What sort of friends encourage you to drink?"

"Harriet Parker's sort of friends." Grace replies with a 'duh look'.

I stare at the two with a pointed look. They stare back at me, with a similar look.

I have to give it to them, I do admire their determination.

With a long and dramatic sigh, I grumble, "Fine, let's just do what we have to do,"

Grace squeals and claps her hands. "Woohoo!" she cheers.

Lea sends a smile. "It's a dress-up party, what do you want to go as?"

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