Blaming Cupid - Chapter Six

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6. Harriet

The next day at school, I expected to meet Everett first thing in the morning, but I couldn't seem to find him anywhere the entire day. I could hardly remember anything from last night too, except for our kiss and the rest was a blur. Perhaps he wasn't in today, but then again, I couldn't think of a reason to why he would miss a day.

By the time last period swings by, I start to lose hope that I'll see him, until the last ten minutes of the day when he comes up to me.

Coach had just blown her whistle, signalling the end of class. I stood up along with Grace to walk over to the changing rooms when he called out to me.


I spin around at the sound of his voice, "Everett?" I squint my eyes and recognise him in the distance, making his way towards me.

"Wait up for me inside," I tell the girls before I jog over to him.

The closer I come, the clearer his face becomes and I wince noticing his bruised eye.

"Who did this?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

He reaches for my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, "Nobody, it happened during practice, the ball hit my face by accident."

I frown, "I hope you're okay, it looks really painful."

"It isn't as painful as it looks," he reassures me, "I'm fine."

Unexpectedly, his hand drifts to my hip. It settles there and he pulls me closer to kiss him. Although I don't want to ruin our little moment, I can't help but scrunch my face up when the smell of his breath wafts into my nostrils. Before I can reject the kiss, he presses his lips to mine. While a tuna wrap looks good on a plate, it is definitely less appetising in your mouth.

He pulls away after a short moment and smiles softly, "I'll catch you later, okay?"

I nod, playing my best pokerface, "Of course."

I turn on my heel and gag, wiping my tongue aggressively to get rid of the taste. Lost in my own thoughts with my eyes glued to the ground whilst I retch in disgust, I somehow manage to collide into a hard chest, sending me back as I unattractively land on my butt. Pain shoots up my backside and I mutter some curses.

I hear a body rise and a fall of laughter, which causes my eyes to slowly open.

"Well, hey, you could've at least brought me dinner first."

I feel Lucas's eyes burn into my skull as he stares down at me.


Towards his crotch.

I hurry and stumble back up on my feet.

"I am so sorry," I blurt out, "I should've looked where I was going."

"It's fine, Kiki," He waves it off with a grin. "We still on for later?"

As I'm about to reply, somebody rudely interrupts. I roll my eyes at the sound of her voice.

"Lukey! Finally, there you are."

My eyes wander over to Mia Moore as she rushes down the corridor towards us. It's difficult for me to even look at her without releasing a groan.

Mia has always had a problem with me for as long as I can remember. Since primary school, she has always picked on me for some reason and has never associated with my friends either. In other terms, she's a bitch. No, really she is. Her ego is huge and her energy is nearly always negative and rude. I'm surprised she hasn't driven someone to physically beat the shit out of her yet.

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