Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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28. Harriet

Finally. The day has arrived. It's the last day at Meadow Hill High School and I'm sure everybody is waiting till the clock strikes 3PM.

Freedom awaits us all.

The moment the bell rings, chaos breaks loose. I can hear students start to shout through the hallways and corridors. The thuds of pupils rushing out of the building can be heard clearly. I jump up from my seat. My peers are quick to leave the classroom, accidentally knocking over chairs and desks along the way, yet neither of them decides to pick them up and hurry to exit instead.

I release a spat of air, failing to contain my laughter. I throw on my backpack and happily skip out of the door.

I'm lucky to find, Grace, Melody and Lea along the way. I smile excitedly just to see the trio. I waddle over to embrace the three ladies for a bear hug.

Grace pecks my forehead after she releases me.

Just then, I feel an arm come around my neck loosely and a chin rests on the top of my head. I look up to lock eyes with my one and only, Josiah Ferraro.

He leans in straight for my lips. I can feel his smile form on my lips. Our mouths mingle together. I can taste the mint that is exchanged within our tongues entwining.

"Okay, okay, break it up," I hear Grace shout down my ear, pulling my shoulders back to break the contact of our lips.

I send Josiah an apologetic look and he releases me. This gives Grace the perfect opportunity to pull me away in the counter direction. I notice Lea kissing Melody one last time before they move away from one another.

According to my weirdo and pervert of a best friend, Grace, Lea and I are unable to communicate with our 'lovers' until the evening, when prom begins. Her rule sucks arse. She needs to realize it's not a wedding day, but a prom night.

When we leave through the exit towards the back of the building. Grace ushers us to the makeup salon she booked us and herself in for.

"Oh my god, it's happening, guys! Prom night is here and it's going to be fucking perf! Oh, shit, wait, I might jinx it, forget I said anything!" Grace rambles, frantically.

I take out my phone to text Josiah. So what, I can't fucking spend a minute away from him, sue me.

My hand roams around my bag longer than it should. Ah, bullocks.

"Wait up!" I exclaim "I left my phone on charge back in Geography. Let me get it."

"Bitch, hurry the fuck up, I'm not playing with you," Grace warns.

I nod and hastily rush back through the door, heading straight towards the classroom I was last in. Relief washes over me as I find it lying in the corner of the disastrous room. I grab it and make my way back.

As I'm sauntering down the hallway that leads to the back, a voice I thought I'd never have to hear again travels through my ears.

"Hattie," His voice sends chills through me.

I pretend that I don't hear him and continue to walk, but I'm unable to do so as he suddenly reaches out for my arm. He twirls me around so that his cutting blue eyes connect with mine.

I feel disgusted just by looking at him.

"What the fuck do you want, Everett?"

"I just want to be civil with you, OK?" He urges out.

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