Blaming Cupid - Chapter Ten

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10. Harriet

I'm pretty much fucked. Absolutely fucked.

There's not a single chance I'll be capable of passing this term's assignment as long as I have Josiah Ferraro as my partner. He's arrogant, reckless, troublesome and may I add, incredibly annoying. The fact he's managed to present all four of these characteristics in a matter of days shocks me and I can only imagine what else I'm in store for.

With a hopeless sigh, I unlock the front door using my new spare key and step inside, instantly being greeted by the pleasant aroma of my mother's winning lasagna.

"I'm home!" I yell, kicking the front door shut with a thud.

Quite naturally, I make my way to the kitchen first, spotting my mother in the middle of the kitchen with a spatula clutched in her hand as she belts out lyrics to a song possibly from a century ago.

"You should let me love you."

"I appreciate the offer, but I've already got too many lovers," I reply, rolling my eyes as she continues to sing. Let's just say, my mother is no Mario Barrett.

"Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need."

"Right now, all I need is food, you got that?" I implore, melodically tapping my fingers against the fridge to the beat of the song.

"Baby good love and protection."

"Hey, did a package get delivered earlier?" I ask, but mum refuses to reply and proceeds to sing. I sigh. She's torturing the lyrics, I can't—won't—let her violate the song on her own.

So, I sing along.

I'm not Mario Barrett either, but I sure as hell don't sing as bad as her. Sorry, dear mother, I mean it in the nicest way possible.

"Your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts. You're a dime plus ninety-nine and it's a shame. Don't even know what you're worth. Everywhere you go they stop and stare. Cause you're bad and it shows. From your head to your toes, out of control, baby you know."

My mum's lips pull up into a smile as we finish molesting the lyrics. I return the gesture. It makes me wonder, if only my father was home to witness her happy side since recently all he has been greeted with is her nasty temper and negative attitude. Needless to say, my parents aren't exactly on friendly terms right now, but I still have hope that they will get over this little quarrel and we will all return to a normal happy family.

"Wow, okay, so I walk in for a drink, but instead I get a taste of the How-To-Live-Like-A-Freak show. Awesome, thanks, guys." Kai remarks, entering the kitchen with a roll of his eyes.

I might have to forgotten to mention but my mother had caught Kai living in the house, as I had initially stated. She was so close to sending him back, but I begged and cried to her to the extent that she gave up and let him stay with a warning. The prick owes me big time.

Mum narrows her blue eyes at him, the playfulness disappearing, "St Peters or here? Don't forget, my love, I can make either happen."

He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, "Here sounds great, I'll just be in my room, you both can sing your hearts out!" he rushes out of the kitchen without another word.

I bite back a chuckle before spinning around to face my mother. My expression turns serious and I fold my arms over my chest, "Mother, are you going tell me if a package came or not?"

All of a sudden, a frown falls onto her features, "Honey, we need to talk," she says, motioning her head for me to take a seat at the dining table.

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