Blaming Cupid - Chapter Four

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4. Harriet

I find it amusing that Kai genuinely believes he can get away with living in my bedroom without my mother or Louise noticing. The pair have senses like a hawk, it definitely won't take them long to figure out he's here and when he eventually does get caught, he'll be forced to catch the fastest train back to St. Peters. I guess, for now, all he can really do is pray a scenario like that doesn't occur.

Talking of the devil, he enters my bedroom shortly after using the bathroom, "I'm excited for today,"

I let out a snort, tucking my shirt underneath my pencil skirt, "So, what, you're just going to sneak back into school again? I'm pretty sure that's not how it works."

He cocks his head to the side, "Are you really doubting your brother, baby sis? I have everything under control. I've been planning my escape since the day I got put into that hellhole."

I hum, "We'll see about that, Kai."

He raises his eyebrow, "What? Are you trying to imply you're going to throw me under the bus and snitch?"

"Why on earth would I snitch on you when I've been missing you like crazy," I defend.

Kai grins over at me, "Aww, baby sis, I missed you too."

I roll my eyes and glance over at my reflection in the mirror. With a satisfied look, I throw on my backpack and leave the room, letting Kai know I'll meet him later at the bus station.

I slide down the bannister, being greeted by my mother who stands in front of the hallway mirror, fixing her hair into a neat bun.

"The house will be empty tonight since your father and I will be working all night," she addresses, "Louise will order takeout for later, okay?"

I nod, "That's fine."

My mother works as a part-time nurse down at the local hospital, while my father is a businessman who invests and trades. The both of them are regularly buried in work, sacrificing their time at home, but since my mother only works four times in a week, I see her more often than my dad, which I'm really grateful for.

I head to the kitchen, grabbing two cans of Redbull from the fridge before hurrying out of the front door. Along my way to the bus station, I meet Kai and hand him a drink.

"So, is there anybody new at school I should know of?" He asks as we take a seat at the back of the bus.

My mind drifts to Josiah for a mere second before I shake my head, "No, not really, it's just the same two-faced bitches."

He takes a swig of his drink, "Right."

As the bus arrives outside the school building, Kai and I separate our ways, heading over to our individual friend groups.

"Did you fuck him? Did he sex you up? Did you bang each other's tits off?" Grace attacks me with a list of questions when she sees me walking over.

My nose crinkles up in disgust, "No, no and definitely no."

Lea frowns, "So, nothing happened?"

"Pretty much," I shrug, "Though he did offer a kiss which of course I declined."

"That's mean," Grace remarks, "Lucas is a sweetheart."

"Who also flirts a lot," Lea adds.

I twist in the combination of my locker, "He's really nice, to be honest, I'm actually looking forward to some of the upcoming study sessions we have together. Who knows, maybe we will be more than just friends."

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