Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Five

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blaming cupid
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25. Harriet

"Oh, Niklaus," I moan as his warm lips caress my neck. My hands tangle in his hair as my body moves up against his.

Klaus breathes heavily into my ear. He pushes my body around so that my back is pressed against his chest, giving him the ideal opportunity to kiss my neck.

"Do I make you feel good, Hattie baby?"

I freeze.

Then I whirl around and see him, standing there with his typical stupid smirk.

"I want Klaus, not you." I say "Where the bloody hell is he?"

"There was no Nikuklos or whatever the fuck his name is to begin with," Josiah curses and takes a step closer "I guess I'm on your mind too much that you're now having dirty fantasies about me."

I take a step back as he takes one forward. "Get out of my dream, Josiah, you're not welcome here."

"You sure about that?" He asks, raising his eyebrow inquiringly.

I nod in a triumphant way. Then he takes another step towards me, I take another too. My back ends up hitting the wall which makes me swallow back due to the proximity between us.

His eyes darken.

"Get out of my head, Josiah," I demand and squint at him through furious eyes.

"How's that possible when you're thinking about me all the time?" Is his response.

Josiah lifts his hand to my cheek and strokes it, his thumb tracing a line along my bottom lip. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"You like it, cherry, you like what I do to you," his hot breath hits my face.

"Shut up and keep doing what you're doing, fucking Christian Grey or whoever you think you are," I mutter.

He lets out a breathy chuckle and slowly begins to kiss my frail neck. His tongue grazes slowly across my collarbone as his arms start to roam all over my body like a tease. I throw my head back and hold onto his shoulders as I gasp for breath.

"Josiah," I pant out.

He doesn't reply and instead brushes my hair back from both my shoulders and moves in so close that his body presses up against mine.

My head swims with inappropriate thoughts.

The faint noise of a tune similar to the 'Happy Birthday' song plays faintly in the background. Images of Josiah flash in and out of my mind to the point where they vanish and I'm abruptly welcomed by the familiar light of my bedroom.

"Happy birthday to Hattie! Happy birthday to you!" I hear multiple voices through my ears singing out of tune.

My eyes jolt open.

That's when I see Lou, mum and Kai enter my bedroom with a mini cake on a plate. I groan. No, it's way too early for this shit.

When the song finishes, relief washes over me. Uh, thank god, that's enough of that.

Mum raises an eyebrow as she walks to the side of my bed, staring down at me with concern.

"Hattie, hun, are you okay?" her hand rests on my forehead. "you're burning up,"

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