Blaming Cupid - Chapter Five

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5. Harriet

"Hattie, are you really sure giving Everett another chance is the right thing?" Lea asks, her voice taking on a worried tone.

I glance up at her to see her eyebrows crinkle with concern.

"Yes, I'm sure," I reply, sending her a reassuring look. I place my hand on her forearm and rub it to ease her worry, "I did the right thing."

She purses her lips together and gives a nod, "Okay, If you say so, but I swear to god, if he fucks up, I'll chop his balls off and feed them to pigs."

I let out a nervous chuckle, slowly moving my hand back, "Let's hope he doesn't."

As I lean back into my seat, my eyes wander over to Grace who remains twirling the same lock of blonde hair for the past five minutes. It's starting to drive me curious.

"Gosh, he can fuck me sideways," She sighs, staring off towards the guy who just got in line. "Seriously, guys, would you just look at him?"

I roll my eyes, "Were you even listening to a thing I said?"

Grace continues to eye-rape the poor stranger, "Wait, you were talking?"

I'm so done with this girl.

"It's like love at first sight," she muses, chin in one hand, "Lea, would you at least take a look at him?"

As instructed, Lea casually peaks over her shoulder. She turns away after a couple of moments with an impressed smile, "She's right. He's very good looking."

I roll my eyes and take another sip. "Lea," I say, placing my drink back on the table. "you have a boyfriend—do I need to remind you?"

She sneers playfully at me. "What are you, my mother?" Though she can't keep her eyes on me for long, not while that walking wall of sexy is standing at the register ordering a cup of coffee and scones.

"Besides, Harvey doesn't care if I take a simple look—as long as I'm bending over for him every night, he's good with it."

I let out a spat of air, blushing.

"See! Uh-huh," She says, grinning widely. "I got a laugh out of you."

"I think it's a miracle," Grace chimes in, "Hattie's actually amused by a dirty remark."

I scoff and look in the opposite direction, "Shut up."

"So," Lea begins with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Who do you think you're attracted to the most?"

"Yeah, who do you think would be best under the sheets?" Grace adds on.

I set my drink down, "Firstly, there will no sexual contact between any boy and I, will you, Grace Elizabeth, please remove that thought from your peanut-sized brain?"

"Sure, sure," she sends a wink, "that's what they all say."

"Okay, enough of boy talk," Lea interrupts, "Did you guys see that chick today? The one with the tattoos? She's so hot."

"Oh yeah, Melody right? She's been transferred to my art class," I reply, receiving a nod from Lea.

Grace watches the guy she's been drooling over for nearly ten minutes now leave through the double glass doors and glide past the windows before she looks back at us.

"Even though I will probably never see you again, you will always have a special place in my heart," She vows, shedding a fake tear.

"You're actually insane," I stare at her, incredulously.

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