Chapter Sixteen

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I pulled the last box of my stuff inside and shut the door.  

"Thanks for the help, babe!" I yelled upstairs. 

Harry walked downstairs and chuckled.  

"So sorry, Peyton. I was fixing your room. Cause I'm nice." He joked. 

"Yeah very nice." I said and punched his arm playfully. 

We walked to the kitchen and I fixed myself coffee and him a mug of tea. I walked into the living room were he was at and set the drinks down. He picked up his mug and sipped his tea. I curled up beside him and watched him scroll through a bunch of tweets about me. Not-so-nice words and mean hashtags like #diePeyton. Yay, my first haters. 

"Your fans are very nice." I said. 

"Yeah I know." He said patting my head. 

I took his phone and exited off of Twitter and onto the camera. 

"Why the camera?" He asked. 

"I wanna see your pictures. And delete the ones of me sleeping you took two days ago." I said and turned away from him. 

He chuckled and watched the T.V. 

There were tons of pictures of arenas full of fans and cats. Him and the boys on vacations. Cute stuff. And then I hit the area of pictures of him and girls. Hot, blonde girls. Actresses, models, singers. Him and the girls hugging and them kissing his cheek. Then I found THE picture. Taylor Swift.  

She was in a tight red dress and looked surprisingly good. But it was the fact her and Harry were FULL BLOWN KISSING that killed me inside. A wave of sadness came over me and a frown was planted over my face. My bottom lip trembled and a tear ran down my cheek. Harry looked over at me, then at the phone, then at me. 

"Peyton, I-"  

"Shut up!" I screamed. 

I threw the phone on the floor, hoping it scattered into a million pieces. I stomped out on the porch and looked at the rain for a second. Harry busted through the door and stood behind me. 

"Peyton, I can explain everything." He said in a calm voice. 

"Go. Explain." I growled, not turning around. 

"It was at a party. Shes just a friend. I swear!" He yelled over the thunder. 

"Oh yeah, sure! Just a friend!" I snapped in my angeriest voice. 

He cringled and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry..." 


He looked at me with a small bit of anger in his eyes. 

"I TOLD YOU. SHES MY FRIEND." He said loudly. 

"No. I'm going home. I'll be back to get my stuff in the morning. Bye." I said quietly. 

I looked at the rain and down at my feet. I tried to hold back my tears but some escaped. I held up my head and walked into the storm and didn't looked back at all. I taught myself to never look but at the terrible things in life. Exspecially guys like Harry Styles.


At Harry's house, tons of paps were surrounding the gate to into the house. I stood on my tip toes and saw a mop of curly hair in the middle of in all. I pushed my way through and pushed the final pap away from him. 

"Open the gate." I demanded. 

He sighed and did as I told him to. I walked to his door and pushed it open. He lead me to the storage room and I picked up my poor little Buckles. 

"Did the bad man hurt you at all baby?" I said in a baby voice, hoping Harry heard me.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked away into the living room. I piled three boxes on a dolly and rolled it out to the porch. After I set them down, I turned around to see Harry leaning on the door frame. He had a plain face and was staring straight in my eyes.  

"Move." I said. 

"By law, I don't have to." 

"My stuff is in there. So move." I said turing to push him out of my way.  

He moved to the side and followed me up to the storage room. I piled up more boxes and pushed them downstairs. Harry grabbed my wrists and stopped me. I glared at him and and tried to pulled away but he was to strong. 

"Please let me go.." I said quietly. 

"Please listen." He said loudly. 

I cringed and looked away from his gaze.

Fix You- a Harry Styles Fan Fiction (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now