Chapter Nineteen

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I neatly folded the dress and sat it on the bed, then walked downstairs. Harry was on the phone and I sat down by Anna and Zayn. They were cuddling and watching CSI, which in my opinion is the weirdest show ever. And that's coming from a girl that's seen every episode of Spongebob Squarepants since it came out. 

"Well," I said and sat down, "what are we doing today?"  

Anna detached herself from Zayn and turned toward me. "Whatever. I really don't care."  

"You guys can come to the studio with us today." Zayn added without looking away from the T.V. 

"Yeah. Is that cool?" Anna asked. 

I shrugged. 

Harry got off the phone and sat down by me with a tired sigh. 

"What's up?" I asked with a little concern. 

He wrapped his arm around me. "Since I have sound check tonight, we can't do anything." 

He looked at Zayn, "Why didn't you tell me this?" 

"Vas' happening?" he said, like he didn't know what was going on.

We all laughed at Zayn's weirdness. 

"That we have sound check tonight. At like 6:45." Harry said with a smile. 

"Oh. I thought you knew." 

Harry rolled his eyes. "Did I forget to mention that our supporters will be there to watch us. Its kinda important." 

"Oh holy crap! We need to pick put our outfits right now!" Zayn shouted and ran upstairs. 

We all watched him with our mouths open. 

"Is he always like this?" I asked pointing upstairs. 

"Yep." Harry and Anna said at the same time. 

I shrugged and turned back to the T.V. I groaned after about 15 more minutes of CSI. I changed the channel to the news then turned it off.  

"So, why is it important if your supporters will be there?" I asked Harry. 

"Well, if they don't like us, they will stop helping us. They are the people that let us do concerts, have nice stage clothes, and stuff for photo shoots, etc." He said. 

"Oh. So that means I cant come?" I said and fake pouted. 

He chuckled and hugged me. "Of course you can. You just have to stay backstage." 

I kissed his lips with a smile on my face. "Yay! I can see you perform!" 

"It'll be the first of many performances you'll see me do." He said. 

He walked upstairs to help Zayn, leaving me and Anna. I sat criss-crossed on the couch facing her. She did the same and rested her head on her hand. 

"Soooo, Hows life?" She asked trying to break the silence. 

"Fine. But how am I supposed to act at one of these rehearsals?" 

"Just hang around Paul and Preston." 

"Oh okay an-"  

She cut me off, "I think Harry's mum will be there! You can meet her and Harry could get her permission to be with you!" 

She did one of her signature girly, high-pitched squeals. 

"Oh my gosh. How in the heck am I supposed to act around her!? What if she thinks I'm a total weirdo!?" I yelled and started pacing the room. 

Anna came and grabbed me by my shoulders. "Follow Anna." she said looking me straight in the eyes. 

I nodded and she pulled me to her master bathroom. She sat me on the toliet and pulled my hair out of its oringinal ponytail. She started brushing it out and curling it. 

"Woah Woah! What the crap are you doing this for?" I said turning around. 

She sat down the curling iron and sat in the floor. "Trust me, Peyton." 





She spun my back around and continued making me 'pretty'.

Fix You- a Harry Styles Fan Fiction (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now