Chapter Twenty-Three

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I gasped and ran to the bathroom again. I locked the door and threw my self against the door to block it. Breathing heavily, I listened to the muffled conversations of Anna and the other boys. I heard my name a couple of times but ignored it. I pulled my hairbrush out from the drawer and took the towel out of my hair. As I brushed my hair, Anna knocked on the door.

"Peyton. We're starting the movie now. Hurry up." She said.

"Okay. I'll be there in a second." I said in my raspy voice.

I heard her walk away and continued to brush my hair in peace. After I threw it up in a ponytail, I walked shyly into the living room. The room grew silent and I stood there awkwardly.

"Hi Peyton." Liam said with a smile.

I waved.

"Hey Peyton." Niall said, stuffing popcorn in his mouth.

"Hi love." said Louis.

"Hi Lou."

Silence again.

I glanced at the curly haired boy in front of me and nodded politely before sitting down by Anna. Zayn started the movie and wrapped his arm around Anna's waist, pulling her closer. Cute.

I felt eyes staring at the side of my head. Without turning towards him, I looked at Harry's pale face. He frowned sadly, almost disaprovingly, in my direction.

Its not you, I thought, You're okay.

He cleared his throat and rested his head on his hand, watching the movie. I swallowed hard. I wanted away from this situation.

"I-i'm going out for a while, guys." I almost whispered and walked out of the door.


Don't leave baby, I thought, I want to talk to you. I want to see your face for a while.

The boys turned towards me and Anna switched off the movie.

"What?" I asked.

"Explain why this is how it is."

"This? As in Peyton left?"


I sighed and shrugged. "Dad thought I could do better. That's all."

"That's it? Nothing more, nothing less?"

I nodded.

"That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard." Zayn mumbled.

"I know... I know."

Zayn turned the movie again and the other boys turned to watch it. I stood up and walked out toward the back porch. I stopped at of the door and looked at Peyton standing on the far left, staring out at the yard. I exhaled and opened the door, walking to the far right side of the porch. She shifted her weight and glanced at me.

"Hi." I almost whispered, holding back tears.

She pulled her beautiful blonde hair behind her ear and nodded. "Hey."

"H-how are you?" I said trying to make conversation.

She shrugged and turned her back to me.

"Oh okay..." I mumbled.

Anna walked out to the porch and towards Peyton.  

"Hey, come in for the movie." she said.  

Peyton nodded and followed her inside, looking at me with so much sadness, I broke apart and let tears stream down my face.

Fix You- a Harry Styles Fan Fiction (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now