Chapter 2: Higher Ground

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Chapter 2: Higher Ground

"I admire your courage," Benley's girlfriend, known as AJ, says softly.

I'm hoping Benley will have the same reaction. In fact, I'm hoping, by some miracle, that they will all be able to see passed my five-year disappearance. Then again, it may just be wishful thinking.

"Thanks," I turn back to smile at her as she follows me off the plane. 

My nerves have only heightened up until now. I don't get nervous easily. It takes an avalanche to make me feel completely out of place, literally.

It's only after we've collected our luggage that I hear his voice.

"No way on this damn earth can that be who I think it is!"

I grimace at hearing him shout it across all the people. I duck my head in shame as I try to walk passed him, but he's not having it and neither is AJ.

"Tut tut," AJ reprimands as she comes up from behind me, proceeding to push me straight into her boyfriend.

Again, I hide my face and try escape passed him swiftly.

Benley - at having enough of my games - grabs hold off my arm, forcing me to stop, "Your vanishing acts have come to a closing."

I glance up at him with a sheepish expression, "Well hi there, BoyBand," I greet with an uncertain wave. "Didn't see you there," I lie effortlessly, the moment as tense as it is awkward.

"A month my ass," is his only words before he takes the initiative to embrace me tightly.

I stiffen, his actions unexpected, "BoyBand?"

"I gotta say, I missed the nickname," he confesses, for once not complaining about the name.

Caught off guard, I awkwardly hug him back, surprised that he's not infuriated with me. 

He releases me to greet his girlfriend next, placing a light kiss against her lips. 

I glance away, feeling uncomfortable. Maybe coming back was a mistake. These people, my people, don't seem to need me around anymore. Everyone has their own individual lives now. I'm only intruding.

Benley sure seems to have matured in his physical appearance, reminding me of how long I've been away. His once clean shaven face is now ridden with slight stubble, and his black hair seems even darker than ever before. Fortunately, he's kept his usual short haircut that he's always sported.

"So you met her then?" Benley asks his girlfriend as he gestures over to me in pride.

AJ nods enthusiastically in response, "Oh yeah!" she confirms, "She's great!"

Benley cracks a small smile and nods, agreeing with AJ, "She's alright. Nothing special, but she will do."

Some things just never change...

A ghost of a smile surfaces on my lips as I ease up slightly. 

"Shut up, you Looney Tune!" I get my voice back as a chuckle spills from my lips, "I'm plenty special," I argue, falling back into a familiar relationship with him. 

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