Chapter 46: Void
I glance around the empty room, feeling vacant myself. I don't know how long I've been sitting on Jay's bed, staring at his packed bags. It's killing me.
One day left.
God, if you're listening, please let him stay.
A knock on the door startles me, tearing me from my heavy thoughts. I pull myself up and force myself to open the door to Jay's bedroom.
I don't want to see him right now. I can't. It's too difficult. With us, it always is. Relationships aren't supposed to be easy, I get that, but they shouldn't be this hard either.
It's not Jay at the door. I'm taken by surprise at seeing Grey instead.
Okay, so now I want Jay back.
"Hey," I greet tiredly, taking in the dark rings under his eyes.
He sucks in a deep breath before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Hey," he answers meekly, catching me off guard yet again. It's not often that he's unsure of himself.
"Jay's not home," I tell him bluntly. "Quite frankly, I have no idea where he is."
"Me neither," he answers in indifference. "But I actually came to see you."
I shake my head firmly. "I don't think that's a very good idea, Grey."
He notices my reaction and winces. "And that's exactly why." He collects himself before explaining. "JT was wrong. He never gave me a chance to speak."
I fold my arms over my chest, striking a defensive stance, hesitant to hear him out. "Speak."
"I'm not in love with you," he tells me abruptly.
Before he can say anything more, I blow out a breath of relief. "Oh, thank goodness!" I embrace him tightly, no longer feeling awkward. "I was so worried."
"Jeez," he whistles lowly before hugging me back lightly, "and boy am I glad I'm not. You'd crush me. Have you ever heard of letting a guy down easy?"
I release him and analyze his expression before interrogating him. "So, then why'd Jay assume that you are?"
"Because you and I have grown closer? Because we understand each other? Because we're able to relate? Because I don't completely hate you? Because I said you're attractive the first time he ever pointed you out to me? I don't know, Aqueela. There's a lot of reasons," he answers, leaning back against the closed door as he watches me carefully. "It could be anything."
"I always knew you thought I'm attractive," I joke, touched by his moving words. I never thought I'd see his soft side, at least, not on me. Heck, I don't completely hate him either.
He rolls his eyes. "Get over it. It wasn't that big of a deal. It was when I first met you. It was a silly little attraction that JT quickly picked up on. It stopped the second I figured out JT's feelings for you. It stopped the second I got to really know you and what a pain in the ass you actually are."
"Thank you," I reply in sincerity, playfully batting my eyes at him in jest.
"Don't give me the eyes. I'm not JT," he jokes, in turn. "See. This for example," he points at my devious grin, "this is exactly what I'm talking about. Pain. In. The. Ass."
"What happened with you and Jay yesterday anyway?" I ask, grateful to have a meaningful friendship restored. "Did you guys argue?"
Grey shakes his head. "No. He helped me with something."

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...