Chapter 4: Wedding Crashers

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Chapter 4: Wedding Crashers

I'm late!

Losing track of time, I rush up to the doors of the church where the wedding reception is currently being held. Without a moment of hesitation, I burst in through the double doors hurriedly, "Your Honor, I object!" I shout, managing to draw everyone's attention.

Everyone falls silent and it's then I realize that I'm not as late as I assumed I was.

"The wedding hasn't even started yet!" Benley calls out to me from where he and AJ are seated. He slaps his forehead in aggravation at my stupidity, "I told you I'd give you a signal." He mutters as he reluctantly makes his way over to me.

We'd agreed on a secret signal to signify when it was safe to join in on the wedding - except, I got bored of waiting, sidetracked and all that jazz. He should know that my weakness is following through with detailed plans or really, just plans in general. I like to act on instinct alone - life is a roller coaster that way. Going with the flow is more my style. Impulse is my act and I own it.

Confusion crosses my features upon hearing his very informative words, but I'm quick to recover, "Oh..." I pout in disappointment, "then just let me redo that pathetic entrance." I walk back out before he can stop me, shutting the doors after me, not failing to notice Benley rolls his eyes at my dramatic antics. I wait a minute to keep everyone in anticipation before eagerly rushing in again, "I'm back people!" I shout atop my lungs, choosing a different approach this time.

Benley slaps his forehead again before AJ does it for him a third time. "You Aqueela'd it. You actually managed to 'Aqueela' the wedding without it even having started. You Aqueela'd the Aqueela plan. You Aqueela'd your own plan." Benley brings the facts to my attention, purposely using my name in place of 'stuff up/mess up'. I'm not sure I like the attention that comes with him using my name as a derogatory term. However, it's definitely giving my name a whole other meaning. If there were levels for names, I'd be a Super Saiyan by now.

When no one says anything, AJ takes the liberty to stand up from her seat and clap for me, "Whoo!" She choruses in enthusiasm, fist pumping the air, as she motions for everyone else to stand up and do the same.

They don't.

Eventually, AJ just ducks her face before sheepishly sitting down again, clearly having her own dose of humiliation as a result of defending me. People don't seem to share her lively spirit around here. Buzzkills!

"Whooptiedoo! The village idiot returns." A sarcastic voice states among the silence. I'm able to spot the owner of the voice all too easily. I'll never forget such a morbid tone of voice. He still has that usual rain cloud thundering over his head. His dark aura is still very much apparent, so is his sarcasm - evident in his statement. His face is clean shaven now and his hair is cut and styled up neatly for the wedding, making him appear civilized to the untrained eye. To those who know him, he's still a barbaric animal who will chew you out on the smallest of faults. "No one cares." Grey retorts dismissively, unfazed by my return.

It seems there is truth in his words. Everyone else continues to chat in spite of my presence. To be fair, I don't know most of these people. They're practically all strangers - except for the oddballs that happen to stand out, the oddballs I call friends.

"I care!" AJ chirps in, sticking up for me when no one else does.

Benley, always too cool for the rest of us, has practically crawled under his seat in shame. He's wishing to not make his relation to me, as well as AJ, known. I have to hold back a laugh at the sight. He's always been one to get embarrassed easily. Seeing as he's dating a special girl like AJ, this can't be the first time he's been ashamed in front of a large crowd.

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