Chapter 6: Sink the Whale
"I've never seen you, of all people, like this. You look downright miserable." Benley states as he casually takes a seat across from me. "I don't like it." He decides immediately, used to seeing me jovial and upbeat. I know I'm made of stone and all, but I can't always be happy. People tend to forget that I'm human too. I know I act like an extraterrestrial, but I'm allowed to have an off-day. "What's the matter with you? Why do you seem so down?" He finally asks me, his eyes intently scanning my expression for an answer, "If anything, I thought you'd be happy." He whispers softly as it slowly dawns on him.
I just shake my head in response, not bothering with words.
"Who's happy now?" AJ asks absentmindedly as she enters the room, intruding in on the conversation taking place between us. When neither of us say anything and Benley pulls a face at her, she quietens down before it clicks, "Oh." She says knowingly, "The Jay guy I've heard so much about coming back tomorrow huh? Totally forgot." AJ rambles on sheepishly, feeling embarrassed that she'd interrupted a meaningful exchange.
"AJ." Benley says through gritted teeth, gesturing for her to stop talking. He intervenes before it gets any messier. She's an unintentional rambler.
"Sorry." She murmurs innocently as she places her hands up in a surrender, an apologetic expression on her face. I smile at her lightly and motion to the seat beside me. She raises an eyebrow at me, unsure. I nod at her to give her the heads up. She's more than welcome to listen in on what I'm about to say. She's Benley's girlfriend after all.
I consider all my friends as family, that includes Benley. AJ happens to be dating Benley and any friend of BoyBand's is a friend of mine. That makes AJ family in my eyes. She's part of us now and the only way she's going to feel that connection we all have as friends (the exception being Grey), is if we include her in on things.
AJ plops down beside me all too eagerly, offering me a peppy grin in turn, "Thanks." She says to me quietly, patiently waiting for me to voice my thoughts and give life to my unspoken words.
My eyes find Benley's dark gaze once again, "I'm dreading his return. Obviously I want to see him and I want him to come back and stay here for good - but at the same time..." I trail off as I contemplate how to word it, "I'm scared." I confess, admitting it aloud. "He's going to hate me and I don't know if I have the strength to face him when I'm going to see nothing but hatred in his eyes, eyes that once looked at me in an entirely different way. It's gonna be tough."
Benley, more on the reserved side with this kind of stuff, turns to his girlfriend for help, "Yeah, this mushy talk is not my forte." He admits as he preps AJ to take over, practically leaving it in her hands to deal with.
AJ, on the other hand, seems entranced as she listens to me - almost as if she actually wants to listen. I bet she's an expert with advice. Benley's just listening because he knows I will kick his ass if he's not a supportive guy friend. Although, I have to say, it's kind of nice having a girl friend (other than Bells) for once. I could do with more female friends.
AJ, completely taken up with the subject, leans toward me in enthusiasm as she starts, "Firstly, we need to establish the most important thing..." She pauses dramatically for effect, Benley groaning in impatience at her antics, "do you still love him?" AJ asks me point blank, searching my face for the truth.
I don't hesitate to answer, "I never stopped."
A broad smile engulfs AJ's lips as she nods at me repeatedly as if speechless from her buzzing excitement. She practically forgets what she was just about to say.

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...