Chapter 26: Take it Easy

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Chapter 26: Take it Easy

"I'm a jayaholic," I stand up and admit my problem to the group before me as I take my turn, deliberately skipping the other people's turns. My patience was running thin...

The therapist stares at me blankly, "I don't believe that I'm familiar with that term."

"It's when you become too absorbed in everything that is Jay Taylor and everything that you're not," I explain it to him in clear 'Aqueela terms'.

"It's not healthy to make one person your everything. These days, we tend to choose partners different from ourselves because they represent and manifest the characteristic traits we wish we had," he replies back as if getting the gist of where I'm currently at.

The small group of people all wait for some kind of response. It was a mistake thinking that attending group therapy would help with anything. My problem is unsolvable because it can't be understood, not even by me.

I leave, bumping into Landon on the way out. He's right on time for his anger management counseling. If anything, he's coming along nicely. There's a definite improvement in him and I think that Sarah's the sole cause of it.

I think back to the argument I had with Jay yesterday:

"I hoped to."

"Explain it to me," I had said in turn.

"Years ago I signed a contract with one of my biggest sponsors. It was under Decoda's advisement. The contract states that I move up to Tokyo to live and race there for the next couple years. I am to coach and market racing. After five years have passed, I am to travel for the next five. In return, I'll pull in more investors with new market strategies for myself in place. I'll be more promoted worldwide. My sponsors will guarantee their support. My income would also be upped significantly," he'd elaborated.

"Then why did you ask me to stay if you knew you wouldn't be able to yourself!" I raised my tone at him as dread crawled into my soul. It was about money and fame for him, nothing else.

"Look, Aqueela, it's complicated. I thought I could get out of it, but-" he cut himself short, "forget it, we'll talk about this when it gets closer to the time when I have to go."

"You forget it because I won't. You lied to me, you said you'd stay. I don't want you to go," I confessed weakly and honestly.

His blue eyes shone with softness at hearing me admit it. "I don't want to go either, but I don't have a choice. I signed the contract because my circumstances were different back then-"

 "When do you leave?" I asked hesitantly.

"Three months from now," he'd answered. "We still have time."

"For what exactly, Jay?"

I didn't let him answer. I walked away.

I force myself from my thoughts and head in the direction I find myself going - Jay's house. I need to patch things up with him. He needs to do what's best for himself and I should have been more understanding, especially considering that he's been so open and forgiving towards my own situation.

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