Rewind One-shot Winners! Fan Choice!

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Rewind One-shot Winners! Fan Choice!

Hey guys :)

There was quite a few of you that entered and I was really surprised at the talent. Once again, I can honestly say that there wasn't a entry that I didn't enjoy reading. I loved them all. Here are the entries that have won according to the amount of votes they've received from readers.

Third place goes to mundanes with 16 votes.

Second place is a tie between Stars_Shine1, StarBurst_NK and Wattalicious_Klutz with 20 votes.

First place goes to PurpleKlutz001 with 32 votes.

Congrats guys. I will be in touch with regards to prizes :D

Thank you to all of you entered! :D 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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