Chapter 23: Full of Flaws
"Listen, if you're going to spend the night at my place, I'm going to have to lay down some ground rules," Jay tells me as he parks his car in his driveway, speaking for the first time since getting into the car.
"Fair enough," I answer him as we step out of the car and into the cold evening air. I wrap my arms around me to contain some warmth. The air is almost as icy as Jay's current mood and temperament.
"Firstly, I want to emphasize that this is a once-off thing. You are not to stay. You are not to move in and you are not to allow anyone else to move in. Secondly, do not permit strangers, or hobos for that matter, into my house, especially if they're kleptomaniacs. Thirdly, please don't build any treehouses on my property or spray paint any of my furniture," he says sternly, quickly putting me in my place before I can even get any ideas. "I really can't believe I have to say any of this," he remarks coldy.
"Yeah..." I wince and avert my eyes from his in shame, "about all of that, I'm really sorry." I finally apologize, "I'm sorry that I used to take advantage of you. I'm sorry that I was such a terrible housemate."
"I wouldn't say terrible," he says quietly beneath his breath as if disagreeing with me. He opens the back door of the car and reaches for Zac's arm. I help him until we manage to get the bag of brawn out of the car.
"Jay?" I question as I watch him throw Zac over his shoulder, taking some strain under the weight. Zac's most definitely heavy.
"Aqueela?" He returns the name like he's always done since I've known him.
"Why have you not moved to a fancier house? The bacon is being brought home and the cash is rolling in, so why stay in the same place?" I ask, genuinely curious as I take in the familiar surroundings.
Jay locks his car and walks up beside me to the front door, "I don't know. I feel that if I move now, then what is the point? I don't want to forget where I came from. I don't want to forget my roots. The more you have, the more you want."
"I like the way you see things," I reply back softly. He turns to me and spares me a questioning glance. I shrug, "Your perspective on typical things is different."
He adds, "If it helps, it's also 'cause I'm saving. I don't even know for what, I just know that I am. It's more of a contingency if something unexpected were to ever happen."
I smile to myself. Nothing's changed, he's still planning ahead to make provisions for the future.
"Could you unlock and open?" He asks fishes for his keys in his pocket before carefully handing them to me. He's a little too preoccupied with Zac to do it himself.
I take the keys from his hand and ignore the feeling of his fingertips brushing against mine. I quickly unlock the door and open it wide so that Jay can get in and set Zac down onto the couch. He sends me a thankful nod as he does exactly that. He lets out a relieved breath once the weight is literally off of his shoulders. I step in after him and close the door behind me.
Jay's immediately greeted by an eager dog with a ball in the mouth. I watch as he grins down at Slobber before getting down on his haunches to pat the overgrown pup. "Hey little guy, how's my boy doing?" Jay asks Slobs.
I can tell just how much Slobber means to him...and to think he never wanted a dog. It's also obvious of how much Slobber adores his master. He's Jay's dog now.
Slobber drops the ball and barks back at Jay all too happily, his tail swishing back and forth as he stares up at Jay as if trying to communicate with him. Jay laughs quietly to himself as throws Slobber's ball for him, "Fetch, boy!" he encourages.

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...