Chapter 17: For the Best?

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Chapter 17: For the Best?

Jay grins down at me in a comical fashion. His smile has always been contagious, especially when it comes so naturally and genuinely. It's from the heart, completely and entirely. It's earnest. It's sincere. He, unintentionally, has me smiling back up at him, my heart beating just that much faster. Warmth and joyfulness spread through my veins at the sight of his own happiness. It's an Adrenalin rush. It's moments like these that I wish to press pause on and live in daily. It's the memories with him that I cherish the most. I miss him.

I shake myself out of the delusion as I grab hold of his hand and tug him after me, in search of Mia. She's technically dating him, she should technically take care of him. I have no right anymore. My only right is friendship, and even that, I'm not sure I can manage.

I ignore Jay's disgruntled mumbles as I force him to stumble after me. Mia and Sarah have wandered far. If they were close by, I would have spotted them by now. "I give up," I tell Jay as I swing us back around in the direction we came from, "back to Grey and the others it is." I debrief the drunkard as we slowly head back. I'll leave him with Grey. I trust Grey.

Jay slips his hand out of mine and reaches for my arm, effectively stopping me from going any further. He chuckles softly to himself when he notices my perplexed expression. I'm weary of him when he's drunk. I never know what to expect. As if to prove me right, he does just that (the unexpected), and reaches down to cup the side of my face.

I glance up at him calculatingly, ignoring the sparkle to his eyes as I try to diffuse the situation as fast as possible, "Jay, don't-"

"It was a mistake." 

I fall silent, staring up at him in shock.

He holds my gaze in confidence, "Letting you go," he clarifies, "was the biggest mistake I ever made." He confesses, unashamed to admit it - the alcohol effect.

My heart flutters, skipping a beat, upon hearing his wholehearted words. He's stepping onto dangerous territory. He can't say things like this, not when he's with Mia. 

I decide to pin it all on the spiked drink, "That's just the alcohol talking," I retort bitterly, removing his hand from my cheek.

"No, you Looney Tune," Jay insists from his drunken state, a subconscious smile finding it's way to my lips upon hearing him say that, "I mean it. I haven't even been drinking," he mutters, unaware that his drink was spiked by none other than Troy (the guy has it out for Jay).

"You're with Mia," I remind him in the hopes of him backing off. The close proximity is intimidating. I need him to walk away, because I'm having a difficult time in doing so. He makes it difficult.

"Who's Mia?" He laughs as he takes another step forward, toward me, purposely cornering me, "I only know you." He smiles down at me in good stride as he makes another attempt to touch my face. I dodge his wandering hand in time, trying to anticipate (ahead of time) what he'll do next.

My breathing hitches as I quickly take a step back from him, "We're not together anymore." I say bluntly, hoping he'd respond better to point blank truths.

He shrugs carelessly, a bold smirk playing on his lips, "Doesn't matter to me, either way, we're going to be. One day." He utters the last two words in such conviction that even I'd be too afraid to argue against him. It's as if he's adamant and determined to make it happen. He sounds certain and way too confident. If only he was sober right now, then maybe I'd take his word for it. Right now, he's innocent, pure Jay. It's like talking to a kid. His statements don't hold much weight right now.

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