Chapter 7: Jinxed It
The Bensten siblings decided to invite everyone (I made them invite everyone we know who happen to still be in town) over to their house whilst we all wait in suspense for Jay's flight to come in. They're all somewhere around the house, keeping themselves entertained. You can hear the commotion they're all making. It's been quite a reunion for me. Seeing old faces brings a smile to my face. I've missed every single one of these lunatics.
They all seem keen to have Jay back. He's being welcomed home with open arms. We've all missed him a great deal. However, apparently Jay has no idea that we're all waiting for him. He has no clue that there's a reunion party waiting for him. If he thinks for one second that he's just going to go home and rest, he's incredibly wrong.
Bells and I are currently sitting beside each other at her kitchen table. I promised Max I'd try talk to her about her pregnancy, but I got sidetracked and eventually jumped to a whole other topic entirely - Max himself, "I just feel like he's throwing his life away." I tell Bells, informing her on how I feel about his situation.
Bells nods as if understanding, "I know what you mean, but he loves actuarial science. Let him be." Bells defends her boyfriend, still refusing to own up to her pregnancy. She's adamant that she's just picked up weight all of a sudden.
"But if he does this, his life might as well be purposeless." I argue, wanting her to see it from my perspective. "He's going to dream of numbers until it consumes his tiny little brain. Do you really want to see him go through such torture?" I query, losing sight of trying to get her to confess to her pregnancy. I know I'm suppose to make her admit to being pregnant, especially when it seems she is close to giving birth any minute now, but Max's lousy life is just so much more interesting.
"If Max wants to throw his life away, then that's his choice." Bells insists, choosing to ignore such trivial matters. She supports Max in his idiotic decisions.
"You ladies do realize that I'm sitting right here?" Max interrupts our deep heart to heart rudely, him seated just across from us. He's always been an eavesdropper. I suppose he just cannot help himself. So nosy! Although, we are discussing his personal life so I guess that gives him some kind of right to listen in. Also, he was sitting here when I brought up the subject.
Bells shushes him, "Not now Max. We're busy."
I point an accusing finger at Max, "You're rude."
Max pulls a face at us as if he cannot believe our audacity, "I'm the apparent rude one, yet it's you two discussing me like I'm not sitting right here."
"Mind your own business Max." Troy shakes his head at Max in disapproval, him sitting just beside Max at the table too. Troy turns back to us, shaking his head whilst doing so, "Some people, just no manners whatsoever." He mutters, rolling his eyes at Max in irritation.
Max scoffs, feigning irritation, "I hate you people." He grumbles out in despair.
We all ignore Max. Troy's gaze meets mine after that, "Sorry for that absurd interruption, by all means Aqueela, continue on dissing Max's pathetic life." He says nonchalantly as if what he just said is not offensive at all. With both his elbows on the table, he places his chin atop his hands with a giddy smile on his face. He motions to me, twirling his index finger, to continue on speaking. He seems very as inquisitive to hear the rest of my insults. If only Max could be more appreciative...

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...