Chapter 11: Disservice to Humanity
"Excuse me, kind sir, could I please have a warm pumpkin spice latte with extra whipped cream?" Troy signals to a nearby officer as if in the right to ask such a question. "Warden, my nerves are skyrocketing." Troy adds in hopes of manipulating the cop. As if for emphasis, Troy purposely shakes and trembles as if genuinely in shock.
"What do you think this is?" The cop brushes Troy's request aside before taking the liberty to remind him, "You're in jail." The officer then glances to the head officer, his superior, who happens to be standing beside Jay, Dean and some other guy I don't recognize, "When is this one," he points to Troy, "going?"
I don't blame him. If I were him, I'd also be counting down the minutes until Troy is released. Troy, like expected, is a difficult prisoner to deal with. Lucky for the cop, he won't ever have to see Troy again after this. The rest of us aren't as fortunate.
"No to worry, soon." The head officer replies back to his inferior. Jay happens to be waiting patiently next to him. "I understand, it makes you wish we could use the electrocution chair on him." The cops are downright fed up with Troy and all his petty demands. Troy seems to think he's on vacation.
"This is an outrage, preposterous!" Troy frowns at the officers as he begins to rant, "When I get out, I'm going to tell my fans, the press and media how derogatory cops are, and how prison feels like purgatory. It's unacceptable. I'm going to sue all the prisons on the face of this earth for not treating their guests with the utmost respect."
Just when I think Troy can't possibly be more stupid...he's not even in prison...
Benley shakes his head at Troy in disapproval, "Give it a rest man. You haven;t veen been to prison...yet. We're in jail."
"Oh shut it BoyBand! You're not even going to be alive when we bust out. Bells is sacrificing you. Play your part!" Troy argues with him, unintentionally speaking of a breakout plan right in front of the police - only Troy.
"You're all lucky Frank here isn't pressing charges," the superior police officer nods at the one we best know as Dave, putting an end to Troy's debate with Benley. Frankenstein would match Dave perfectly, I'll accept it. "You're all free to go," the officer tells us before motioning to Jay, standing beside him, as he goes onto to explain, "no thanks to your good friend over here. He managed to reason with Frank. He's here to bail you all out, no charges."
"JT to the rescue, why am I not surprised?" Emma asks with a peppy grin, excited to get out of here. Me, on the other hand, I still prefer being locked in a prison cell than being stuck in a hospital waiting room.
Jay shrugs carelessly in a laid-back manner, offering her a small smile, his hands deep inside his jean pockets. I can't help but be overcome be jealousy at the smile Emma just received from him. It feels like it's been ages since I got that smile from him. I'd kill to see it again, kill to see it aimed at me instead.
"BroJay!" Troy interrupts me from my pestering thoughts as he runs to the bars, reaching through it to touch Jay's forehead as if he's not worthy, "I knew you'd come for me!" He shouts out in desperation and glee as he places the palm of his hand flat against Jay's forehead, "I knew you wouldn't let me rot in this hell hole!"
If anything, Troy's been treated like a damn King in here. It's been luxurious for him. He's so ungrateful. He got his own cell for goodness sake! What more does he want (other than a pumpkin spice latte)?!
Jay's face falls in distaste as he steps back, just out of Troy's reach, and swats Troy's hand away, "I'm doing you all a solid." He tells Troy kindly, hoping to not come across as rude. In the past, he couldn't care less if he was rude. He's changed for the best.

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...