Chapter 27: Rolling with the Punches
I force myself to get up even though I'd rather sleep. I promised Mason I would pick him up from the airport, which means Zac needs to move out or he and Mason will be sharing the living room together. It will be a blood bath, I'm convinced of it.
I drag myself out of my bedroom and to the kitchen, in dire need of food...lots of it.
I stop short in my tracks when I don't see Zac. He's usually up before me. Confused, I glance around the living room only to find that he's nowhere in sight. Typical Stokes.
I shrug and start making breakfast, but drop the bowl in disgust when hearing it.
"Zac," I groan in repulse, "do you have a girl over again?" I ask in a reprimanding tone, feeling at unease in the fact that I have to act like his mother. Then again, she did abandon him. I have to have some sympathy on him.
Zac's head pops up from behind the couch as sits up upon hearing my voice. He scoffs and laughs as if I'm the mad one here. "Do I have a girl over?" He laughs louder as if nervous. "D-do I have a girl here?" he repeats yet again, stuttering slightly. "Are you hearing yourself right now, Aqueela? You sound ridiculous," he chuckles as if what I said is hilarious.
I raise an eyebrow at him with a knowing look when his shirt casually rolls off of him. He's barely decent.
He scrambles to say something in turn, a little panicked, as he cranes his neck toward me. "I didn't know you'd be up," he finally confesses.
If anything, he looks flustered.
"Who is she?" I question in irritation at his lack of shame and at his lousy excuse for his inappropriate ways. I thought he had a thing for Mia. I shouldn't have put it past him to have a billion girls waiting for him on the sidelines.
Zac runs a hand through his dark hair and shrugs. "None of your business you nosey, lovable dork."
I narrow my eyes at him in warning. "Zac," I say flatly as I begin to near the couch in order to see who it is.
Zac panics and before I question it, I hear the voice:
"I am so embarrassed."
I'm stunned to the core when Mia slowly sits up too in order to face the music, making her presence right beside Zac known. Her makeup is all over the place, smudged, and her hair is a wild mess. Her brown eyes easily give her away, conveying her utter edginess. I can put two and two together. Her subdued manner says it all. She's usually a little more highly strung so this is out of the ordinary for her.
Zac's a rambunctious beast whom's efforts have certainly paid off. His initial unwelcomed advances have now been welcomed eagerly by Mia. The girl no longer resents the moron, and instead, now finds him exhilarating. I, however, still hold some contempt for the brother from another mother - literally.
I slap my forehead and close my eyes in repulse, covering my face with my hands at the sight when realizing that she probably just got here. "Ga! It burns! It burns!" I tease as I humiliate them further. I peak through the gaps in my fingers to see Mia's face redden, Zac unfazed and unastonished at being caught red-handed. Fortunately for me, they're keeping it at a PG rating.
"Go away, loser!" Zac laughs and playfully throws a pillow at my face, one that I proudly and swiftly catch before it is able to hit me. "You've mistaken me for someone who cares. Some privacy please," he demands as if he owns the place.
I roll my eyes at him, no longer hungry, as I rather venture toward the shower. His audacity is astounding. He never seizes to amaze me with this unending nerve.

Rewind (Completed)
Humor#1 Humor R E W I N D 'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything...