Chapter 11 *Edited*

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Harry's POV:

"SKYPE!!" I shouted and slowly disappeared. "so Bea, wanna meet the other fans?" I asked "can I invite a friend of mine." she asked and I nodded. She called a girl named "Daryl" and she said she'll be here fast.

I called the lads "can you pick me up from the airport?" I said and "yeah. well we're over there." Louis said.

We both waited outside the airport, "Daryl!" Bea said and hugged her "Daryl,this is Harry. Harry this is Daryl me cousin." she said and introduced us. "I didn't know your the girlfriend of Harry?!" Daryl said "no, his in love with Sarah. I like Niall." she said "what?! I'm not in love with Sarah!!" I directly objected "are you sure?!" Bea started looking weirdly. "maybe...." I answered and ignored

"well I like Zayn" Daryl said. They were continue talking.

Louis arrived, with Niall "Harry you sit in front" Niall said and jumped quickly out of the sit and opened the door, like a gentleman. We rode off..

We arrived home (my home). I knocked at the door, my mum standing smiling at the girls "where's this Sarah, you told me you like her..." everyone looked and Bea and Daryl smiled evily and giggled. I put my head down and looked at the floor thinking of how embarrassed I am.

I showed the girls to the living room, where the boys were sitting. "Here Bea, I reserved this for you..." Niall said and patted the part were Bea was sitting, Bea sat beside ,Niall and he put his arm on her shoulder. Daryl sat beside Bea and Zayn. I went to the kitchen "Hazza can you help me prepare the table." mum said and smiled at me, I prepared table, "WHO WANTS LUNCH?!?" I shouted "I do!" Niall said and sat directly sat on the chair.

Liam went in and sat beside Niall, Zayn went in and followed by Daryl, Sarah and Louis, he went and he almost put his butt on the chair beside Niall "RESERVED!!" he said while chewing on his food "for who?!" Zayn looked at Niall confused, everyone started laughing. Louis smiled and came skipping to the chair beside Niall he said down "thank you, you don't have to Niall", Niall was looked a bit mad-joking kind of way and pushed Louis out of the chair "for Bea!!!" he said and hold the hand of Bea and let her sit beside him.

Louis was still on the floor, I laughed and gave out a hand and he sat beside Zayn, who was sitting beside Daryl. Mom and I sat at the edge of the table which we were facing each other. Everyone started talking and laughing. [BEST FRIENDS?!?!?!?!?! why, I know I like her but, I can't say it when I'm in front of her like, she let's butterflies fly around my stomach]. I continued eating and was so silent. [I have to call her] I thought and put my plate in the sink and started walking out of the kitchen "what wrong Hazza?" mom asked "nothing mum, I'm gonna be in my room." I said and left I can hear them laughing and talking.

I called Sarah, [pls. pick up...] no answer, I called her again, still no answer. I texted her.

To: Sarah

Hey Sarah? how are you know? I missed you, friend. Can you call me when your not busy?? xoxo :)

[As much as it hurts to be just 'friends',but if that makes her happy, well I'm happy.]. "HARRY WANNA GO TO THE BEACH!?!?" Louis shouted and opened the door I got my boxers and extra shirt and went out of the house were everybody was waiting in the car. We drove the the beach. We all ran to the beach, "bikini time!" Zayn joked, Liam slapped his head.

"what was that for?!" Zayn said and scratched his head

" um...for saying that.."

"saying what?!" Zayn laughed and lied down under the sun. All of the guys, except for me and Zayn, went and swam to the beach. Suddenly my phone vibrates. [wish it's Sarah..]


Sarah: hey Harry what you doing, I'm in our new home, and my room is nice, you should visit us soon!!

me: maybe some other day, were in the beach, with Bea and Daryl.

Sarah: aww.. I wish I was there can I have one question.


Sarah: *giggling* why is Bea and Daryl there and are you having fun?

Me: well I invited Bea to come see the boys, and she asked me if she could invite a friend and I agreed and we went to the beach.

Sarah: so you like Bea?

Me: what? no I like someone else [YOU!!!!].....

Sarah: OOH!!! who!?! I wanna know

Me: *laughing & blushing* I won't tell you..

Sarah: aww.. c'mon!!! You can tell me anything!

Me: ok...Zayn likes Daryl, and Daryl likes Zayn, Niall likes Bea,obviously, and Bea likes Niall.

Sarah: wow... I wasn't asking for that but, how did you know?!

Me: well... there action.. *laughing*

Sarah: what do you mean?..

Me: at lunch Niall reserved a sit for Bea in the dining room, and also in the living room. Zayn keeps on staring at Daryl in here bikini the whole time...

Sarah: *laughing* haha boys!!!

Me: I can here you!..

Sarah: I didn't.... erm...'uh....

Me: hah I'm just kidding!!

Sarah: hey! I thought your really mad!

Me: I'll never, EVER be mad to you... I li- I mean.. wasup!

Sarah: okeey then, what were you trying to say?

Me: um..:.... err.......

Sarah: spill....

Me: I was saying that......,....

Sarah: that???

Me:that, I....


Sarah: who was that?

Me: [ Louis my savior] that was Louis I gotta go.

Sarah: call me later?

Me: yes!! Bye my love

Sarah: bye Harry!!

I put my phone down, and joined the gang!


SOO........ DO YOU LIKE IT?!? if you do, vote!! and Share!!! and also read "MY BEST FRIEND" it's my other story, so yeah, hope you like it, and I'll update ASAP!!!


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