Old Scars

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The cave was dark and wet. The stone walls had many torches indicating the way out, it's flames flickering with the blowing cold wind now and then, never fading.

The goddess had just arrived.

She walked through the place absently, her feet making their path on their own, trailing without a clear objective in mind.

A tragedy, really. After her father banished her from the seas, she had no other choice but to live there among the humans, in the darkness of this dreadful cave.

"Just a little bit longer, my unfortunate soul." She whispered carelessly, her eyes devoid of any warm.

The goddess looked at her servants dangerously and then directed her gaze at her own reflection in the small amount of water on the ground.

"When I get that stone, I will control the Seven Seas." She stated. "My poor father will suffer the way I did." The pale woman added, grinning slightly. "You shall go, I'm a very busy woman. You're all dismissed for now." The goddess murmured, waving a hand in front of her subjects.

They disappeared, all turning into liquid water and gracefully falling into the small slop in front of her.

                                 -- |¥| --

As soon as the sun came up, everybody woke up. Since neither of them was a morning kind of person - all but Belle - they ate in silence and quickly continued their walk.

According to Robin, Sherwood Forest was almost on its edge and soon they would have to face the darkness of Forbidden Forest, what made all of them a little uneasy.

"What lives in there?" Belle asked, remembering the tales her mother used to tell her about mysterious animals who lived in those woods.

"It's a dense forest. The trees are famous for having spikes, most of them poisoned. We'll have to be careful not to touch it." Robin answered, walking next to Belle.

"What about magic, girl? Do we have to worry about any invisible threats as well? It wouldn't be the first time something as such caused us problems." Granny questioned, quickly glancing at Regina.

The queen took a deep breath and nodded in agreement, mentally cataloging all the information she had of the place.

"Last time I was there it hadn't many magical beings. Still, there is a legend of a protector spirit who lives in the woods. I never saw it, though. Considering how many times I've walked through those woods, it's more likely that some random person intended to cause fear by inventing such rumors." The queen responded, frowning momentarily. "Nevertheless, it’s going to be different than this one. Certainly, more difficult to walk around." Regina added.

As if it was planned, they spotted the Forbidden Forest's entrance not many minutes later.

The group had to walk in line to avoid the tree spikes. Regina was at the front, insisting she was the one who knew most about the ground and, therefore, it's ways and passages. Consequently, Belle stood right behind her, having Robin and then Granny following in sequence.

To Regina's annoyance, the group was blocked by a wall of spiky trees, it's roots making such a messed web that it was almost impossible to pass through.

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