Going Back

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As Tinkerbell came out of the portal, she appeared once again in the long cold corridor. The fairy did not stop running until she could see the temple's big door ahead of her. It was their way out.

Their way out. Right. Where were they, anyway?

She was alone.

Tinkerbell shacked her head, dismissing the thought of them being hurt, unsafe. She glanced at the big bright stone on her hand. Its power was still emanating a strange noise of electricity, something unknown by her.

For the last thirty years she was trapped in Neverland, powerless. Now, however, the fairy had nothing more than one of the most powerful magical artifacts of history in her possession and she had no idea how to use it.

Tink's thoughts were interrupted by sounds echoing on the corridor's walls. Hurry footsteps, she realized. The fairy let out a relieved sigh as spotted a young woman with long brown hair and piercing green eyes.

"Snow! I was so worried!" The fairy let out in relief, quickly walking towards her friend.

"We managed to get out. We're all fine." The princess explained, still catching her breath. At the unsure look that the fairy gave when realized Diablo was with them, Snow added. "It's alright, he is just looking for Maleficent. She ordered him to come with us."

As the rest of the group arrived, Tinkerbell noticed there were three people missing. "What about Regina, Robin and Belle?" She questioned in rushed words.

"Regina told us to go on without them. Robin and Belle chose to stay with them." David explained, worry creasing his brow.

"And you left them alone with that demon? Do you have any idea of what they are facing?" Tinkerbell asked in disbelief.

"Someone had to lead the others. It had to be done, Regina knew it. She... Told us to do so. Belle is safe, she told me she would talk to Rumplestilskin." Snow responded. "We need to trust Regina knows what she's doing." The princess added, but her throaty voice told Tinkerbell the princess was mostly trying to convince herself.

Deep down, the fairy knew she was right. Snow and Charming were royals as much as Regina and their job was to lead the others, doing what is best for their people. The fairy nodded, reluctantly, and turned around.

"Look, I don't want to be insensible, but we need to get away from here, love. That dark beast is still inside the temple and we already have the bloody stone." Hook pointed out.

"We can't just leave them alone. We're talking about Regina!" Granny protested; her voice shaky.

"And Robin! And Belle!" John added.

"Without the queen we won't be able to cast the spell to bring us back to Storybrooke!" Ruby commented as tilted her head, trying to get a better view of the corridor. They were all next to the temple's doors.

"I know her, alright? She would have wanted us to continue. We need to keep going and have faith that Regina will find us. Otherwise all this has been for nothing!" Snow said in a low tone, trying her best to stay firm by her decision.

"Yes, but we can't just leave her alone! It's too dangerous!" Tinkerbell protested.

"Do you think I don't know that?" The princess snapped, her frustration showing in her voice in the minute the words came out. "I do worry for her safety! After everything we passed through do you really think I do not care for her? In a strange way, she is my family! Since I was a child, she has been the only constant in my life – liking it or not." Snow added, not able to hold her tears anymore.

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