Echoes of Power

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He entered in the room and stood next to the door he had just came out from. Taking his time to examine the situation, he could not quite hide his excitement. There it was. That infernal Thunder Stone. Rumple wanted to do nothing more than to grab it and free himself from the dagger's hold, but there were obstacles ahead.

Obviously, the so-called heroes, Hook and Regina were there. Taking in the situation, he noticed a fallen Maleficent with her small guardian Diablo by her side.

Apparently, Regina had taught har a lesson, even though, clearly, it had taken a tool at her.

The Dark One stood, taking his moment to observe his once prodigy student as she embraced the darkness in herself. He had forgotten how well darkness fit her. It made him feel slightly proud.

What he never seemed to understand, however, was how the Evil Queen stood willingly next to Snow White of all people, while Maleficent was knocked out on the ground.

When the hell this all happened?

When did Regina and Snow White started to get along so well? When did the queen preferred her former stepdaughter's company over her long-lost comrade?

This was all wrong, in his opinion. Nevertheless, as far as it was unsettling, it was not concerning.

Rumple knew he could handle them in five minutes if he wanted to do so, specially now seeing Regina drained of energy. They would not be a problem.

That statue, however, was another story.

Apparently, Regina was clueless about it. This former student marched towards it as if the item were nothing more than a decoration. What an idiot. Although, thinking like this, this whole situation could actually help him.

With a mad smile on his face, he decided to announce himself. "Well... hello, diaries. I hope I am not too late."

-- |¥| --

Regina held her breath for a moment. "Shit." She whispered, closing her eyes momentarily before turning around to face him. "Rumple." The queen responded in recognition, holding his gaze unflinchly.

"We were wandering when you would arrive." Snow murmured, exchanging nervous glances with David.

"Continue walking, we need to get to the stone!" Grumpy yelled, trying to move past the others.

Rumple smiled evilly. "You cannot run away from me, little dwarf." He teased.

Robin looked from Regina to Rumplestiltskin. Her eyes were glued on the Dark One. He noticed she was tense and apprehensive. The thief knew this time things were not so simple. Regina could handle Maleficent, but the Dark One was another level of mastery.

If he were truthful to himself, he could not imagine what were the limits of his powers. The showdown he had just witnessed between Regina and Maleficent had been the most surreal thing he had ever seen in his life. The amount of power these two held was not comparable to anyone in that arena, and suddenly he found their attempt to fight the witch a bit ridiculous before the queen's arrival.

Now he understood why the ones baring magical abilities felt so indestructible.

Nevertheless, the power of the Dark One was bigger than theirs. Regina had already told them so. It was an ancient power that could be confounded with the creation of darkness itself. It came from a fraction of magic's reaction and the natural rules surrounding it.

Beating Rumple's power was out of questioning, but yet here was she, standing still as the most powerful practitioner in Enchanted Forest came closer to her.

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