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The noise woke her up. Regina let out a grown in protest, keeping her eyes closed. It was comforting to feel Robin's warm arms around her, telling her he was still sleeping peacefully. Choosing to ignore the annoying murmurs coming from somewhere she didn't want to know, the Queen shifted her position and tried to go back to sleep.

The noise came again.

It was too damn early. What were those idiots doing so early in the morning? After complaining about being tired, Regina thought they would choose to sleep until the sun was up high.

The talking grew louder and she heard Robin sigh. Annoyed, Regina opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, she changed into a sitting position, not wanting to wake the thief. Her effort, however, couldn't keep him from opening his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice hoarse and tired.

Glancing at him, she answered. "Not sure yet."

As she looked towards what seemed to be a group of people arguing, a slight frown appeared in her forehead. The Queen scrubbed a hand over her eyes to focus, now moving to stand.

The voices grew louder as she approached them. Snow and Charming were talking to someone – or rather, something – clearly stunned. There was a lint of fear in David's eyes Regina did not like. For all the things she might call him, coward isn't one of them.

Robin, who realize something was off, followed the Queen with his bow in hands. He reached her side quickly, trying to make sense of what he was looking at. There was a pallid, greyish form ahead of them. Curiously, it seemed to be talking to the royal couple. It looked like a human body, but you could easily see something strange around it, like a different aura.

"You have no idea how I missed you, my daughter." Leopold murmured, his lips twisting in a sad smile.

"I missed you as well, father." Snow returned the expression, her eyes watery and scared. Slowly, the Princess took an unsure step towards the man. Ignoring David's complaints, she reached out a hand and tried to touch him.

Her hand passed through him as if he was made of smoke. She let out a small gasp and took a few steps back.

"I'm sorry, Snow. There is nothing you can do to make me come back. I'm still dead." The King said sadly.

"How are you here? I mean... Why would you appear here to me? You never knew this place." Snow questioned, now standing beside David.

Robin heard everything with a deep frown on his face. He hardened his grip over his bow and looked around. It was then that her realized Regina was not beside him anymore. She stood a few steps back, shocked. Her face was pale and she looked as if a ghost was hunting her, her mouth slightly open.

Something in his head clicked and he annoyedly turned his gaze back to the man Snow was talking to.

"How am I here? Well, I guess by magic, obviously. The answer to why I'm here, however, I think is a bit more complicated." Leopold said, walking closer to his daughter. "You need my help." He added.

"With what, exactly?" David questioned, his expression suspicious.

The King shot him a steely glare. "Stop looking for the stone, my daughter." He muttered, as if the Prince didn't exist.

Snow frowned, moving negatively her head. "I can't do that." She said.

"Of course you can. In fact, that's exactly what you should be doing. You're pregnant, aren't you? You already have a child right here, why search for another one?" The King argued, grinning slightly.

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